New Student

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                       - Denki's POV -

The whispers in the halls follow me and my classmates as we make our way to class 1A. Guess Mineta was finally expelled from UA. He went after Ururaka, probably thinking she was too weak and innocent. Boy was he wrong, after she taught him a good lesson she alerted the teachers and principal along with getting evidence from other students from class of the pervy shit he's done.

My hands twitch like always at my sides and I try to ignore the second glances. Yes, I have tourettes, so what people. You'd think that they would be used to it by now. My eyes scan over the crowd of students until I enter the class room.

Suddenly I feel a shock run through my body and I look down to my hands, glitching and sparking as the tics hit hard. Sucking in a breath, my hands feel hot and fuzzy and I know that my sparks are about to get more dangerous. Glancing around, I quickly make my way out of the classroom, past sero, Mina and Kirishima who call my name. I throw them a smile and yell, "Forgot my -fuck- textbook. Be back soon!"

Before they can call back I look to the floor and rush to the bathroom, the hallways start to empty and thankfully, the bathroom too. The white door takes on a gloomy look, the cold handle conducting the electricity as I wrench the door open and throw myself inside. I hide in the farthest stall from the door and lock it shut.

Feeling the electricity start to sizzle through me, I sink to the ground, my back to the tiled wall. The anxiety overwhelms me and I can't help but think, why does it have to be me? What did I do? Trying to keep my breathing calm, I breath in, hold for four seconds, breath out and hold four for seconds. Over and over as the pain inside grows. Just as mom said to. Electricity glides and webs over my skin, hot and stinging. My eyes start to tear up, "Fuck why now? Why -shit- when the new student comes. It could have been a hot girl!"

I bury my head into my knees, our school uniform fabric itchy against my skin. "- Or boy. Fuck, stupid meds aren't -crap- working."

About five minutes later I join class again, my wits slightly recovered and a 'hey guys, I totally wasn't just crying and glowing like a glow stick in the boys bathroom!' look on my face. I'll be fine, I think. When I step into class all eyes are on me, I look around and wave awkwardly before Mr. Aizawa says, "Kaminari, go to your seat, your already late enough. Your new seat partner is our new student, Shinso."

Nodding I happily walk to my desk and glance at the new boy to my left. He's tall, with crazy purple hair, slouching posture and it looks like he's already half asleep. He kinda reminds me of Mr. Aizawa. Shinso is also kinda attractive. A sharp jawline, deep purple eyes... Fuck- don't fall in love already idiot.

I try my best to focus on what Mr. Aizawa has to say but the temptation gets to strong. I stick my hand out to Shinso, give him my best smile and introduce myself, "Hey! I'm Kaminari Denki, hero name's Chargeblot. My quirks electricity, what's yours?"

The boy continues staring straightforward and ignores me. Dang, the cold shoulder. I've worked with worse!

"Do you want to be friends?"

                      - Shinso's POV -

I glance at the Kaminari boy after he asks me if I want to be friends. Not even a trace of sarcasm. This is going to be a long year. Im too exhausted for this crap.
So Denki has tourettes, I don't have it so I will try my best to write it realistically with help from informing websites but if I write anything that is wrong please inform me so I can fix it, thanks!!

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