overprotective friends ~ lams

Start from the beginning

"i slept like a rock last night."

"because you were high off your ass."

"you can't tell me you didn't have fun." alex grinned.

john gave alex a deadpan look.

"i'm going back to sleep. you should too."

"stay up with me. let's go downstairs and get breakfast together. then take me on a walk."

john sighed. "alex, i'm not so sure that's a good idea."

"why not?" alex's smile fell as he asked this.

"look, herc and laf don't like that i'm taking you out so much. last night was kind of the straw that broke the camel's back. let's lay low for a little bit, distance ourselves from each other until things cool down, yeah?"

alex's entire demeanor fell. he nodded solemnly, then got up from john's bed. he walked across the room to get into his own bed, quickly grabbing a book before settling down. he switched off the big light with a click of a remote, then flicked on his lamp. john watched him shut out the world and begin to read.

what the hell was alexander doing to him?

he plagued his entire being. his sprightly aura, always wanting to be around john specifically. laurens wanted nothing more than to give him everything he wanted and more. overprotective friends got in the way of that. yes, alex was the youngest out of their friend group. john had a reputation, one that preceded him. despite his friends being just that, his friends, they still became weary of him when it came to alex. it was no surprise that alexander was attracted to john and vice versa. the problem there was that anytime they got some time alone, it would be spoiled by lafayette or hercules. john was tired of this case. he wanted to appease alexander in anyway possible, even if it meant his parent-like friends would feel some way about it.

"alexander, put on some real clothes and we'll go, alright?"

alex looked up from his book. his expression lifted, he scrambled to grab his bookmark. he rolled out of bed, grabbed a pair of sweatpants from his bag, and slipped them on. he didn't bother to put on a different shirt, his hoodie would suffice.

john grabbed his car keys and the card to enter their room. the door automatically locked behind them as they left, hand in hand. alex insisted on taking the stairs, practically jogging down them with john trailing behind him.

when the two slipped back in their room, it was seven in the morning. john had slipped off his shirt and gotten back into bed. alex watched him the entire time, committing the sight of john to memory. john lifted up the side of his covers, inviting alex to come lay with him. alexander happily took the spot next to john, then curled up against his side.

"thank you."

"for what, lex?"

"still doing things with me despite laf and herc not really wanting you to."

john smiled sadly. alex shifted against him, his hands going to rest on john's chest. john let his hand drift to the curve of alex's waist.

"alex..." john said in a low voice, an impending tone.

alexander threw caution to the wind, wrapping his arms around john's neck and pressing their lips together. john kissed back eagerly, a groan being pushed into alex's mouth when alex scooted to get closer to him. alex sharply inhaled when a thigh was shoved in between his legs. alex, eager to get what he wanted, pressed his hips down against john's leg. they begrudgingly pulled away for air, both of their eyes clouded over.

"shit, alex." john pulled back, sitting up in his bed.

"show me one time. just once, they don't have to know."

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