Chapter 6- Confused

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Devante' Swing's POV

February 1991

"Hey bro get out your feelings," K-Ci yelled as he chunked one of the ping pong balls we were going to use tonight to play beer pong at my head.

I mugged him.

The guys wanted to all meet up at my place and have a get-together so they invited everyone that they knew out here in New York over tonight.

I told them it was fine to have it at my house but none of my shit better come up broken or stolen or it was going to be a problem.

"Mind your business," I mumbled.

It was true. I was in my feelings.

I missed Bri. She was all I could think about since I met her a little over a month ago.

Even though we only really hung out once, she left her mark on me, and now I couldn't just go back to how my life was before.

I haven't seen or talked to her in a month. She called me the morning she made it back to Houston, but I haven't heard from her since.

I tried calling her again about a week after she left, but she didn't answer and she didn't bother calling me back so I decided to give her the same silent treatment she was giving me.

Donald Degrate does not chase anybody and that includes Brielle Woods.

All I could think about was how beautiful she was, her laugh, and her goofy personality. I also loved the way she side-eyed me with those dark gray eyes of hers. Everything about her turned me on to her. The way she carried herself is what really attracts me above all. She's classy and doesn't seem to just want to be my friend because I'm Devante' Swing. In fact, she's treating me like a random nigga on the street, not answering my calls and shit. I wasn't used to this. I didn't like it.

I would never let anyone know, but she really hurt my feelings when she rejected my invitation to come to stay out here for a few days.

I thought we were getting off to a good start, but I guess I was wrong.

I really just wanted to spend more time with her. She was like a magnet that definitely drew me in.

I was Boss Playa Cat Daddy Devante'. I didn't get in my feelings over no female. Especially one that I just met, yet here I was finna end it all over this one girl that just happened to stumble into my life.

I thought by being an asshole to her that it would turn her off and she would stay away from me, yet I couldn't resist starting a conversation with her that night at the club.

I didn't like the way the other 3 guys were looking at her and I knew that if I didn't stick my claim on her soon that one of them would try to talk to her. I could tell that they could already see something special about her presence and it was only a matter of time.

I wasn't worried about K-Ci. I knew that Mary would beat his ass if he even thought about leaving her for real.

It was Dalvin and JoJo that solidified my decision to pursue her. I heard them betting on who they thought she would choose between the two of them so I had to make sure that I shut that shit down real quick.

"Come on bro, all you have to do is try calling her," Dalvin said trying to hype me up and dragging me out of my thoughts.

I looked over at him annoyed.

"I told you that I already tried calling her and she didn't answer so what you think that mean? She obviously don't want to talk to my ass," I snapped.

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