Chapter 2- First Meeting

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Brielle's POV

January 1991

I lightly tapped my fingers against the receptionist's desk at Uptown Records as I waited for her to "verify my identity". I knew she was being rude on purpose. I just couldn't pinpoint why. Kim was her name. She was on the phone asking whoever it was who Brielle Woods was.

I'm not the type of person to toot my own horn, but I'm sure she already knew who I was. Almost everyone in the industry knew who I was. Hell, I've choreographed routines for several music videos including Janet Jackson, Michael Jackson, and Bobby Brown.

To be only 22 years old, I was quickly becoming one of the most sought-after choreographers in the industry. I also directed videos. I just wrapped on Michael Jackson's Remember The Time Video for his Dangerous album that was set to be released in a few months.

The entire idea and choreography all came from my brain.

In fact, I received a call from Andre Hall a few days ago asking me if I could fly out from my hometown of Houston, TX to New York to help him come up with a music video idea for this new group that he has.

They were called Jodeci.

They just released their album a few days ago and I must say it sounded very good for a group of boys from North Carolina. I heard that one of the members who goes by the stage name Devante' Swing is the one who produced the entire album.

He even wrote a majority of the songs.

I couldn't wait to finally put a face to the names that I've been hearing.

I was suddenly brought out of my thoughts by Kim's bitchy voice.

I wasn't usually the one who was quick to judge, but this girl had some real-life issues.

I just met her and here she was already showing her ass. I was trying to be professional, but I could see she was going to have to catch these hands sooner or later.

"Andre said that you can go ahead and come back, Brazil"

I looked at her confused. Did she just call me "Brazil" ?

I gave her a sweet, petty smile.

"It's Brielle babe. I don't know what your problem is but you've been real rude since I walked up in here. This isn't something that you would like for me to report back to your boss, Andre, is it?"

I usually wasn't a Karen, but Kim was really pushing my buttons.

A look of fear crossed Kim's face before she tried to hurry up and cover it up.

"Oh no, that's not necessary. I do apologize. It's been a long day." She said giving a phony chuckle.

I just stared at her blankly and turned and went in the direction of Andre's office, putting my interaction with Kim behind me.

I could hear low voices on the other side of the door as I stood outside.

Taking a deep breath, I lightly knocked on the door.

The voices hushed at once.

Nervously fixing my long, flat ironed hair, I waited for Andre to come open the door.

I don't know why I suddenly felt nervous. It's not like I haven't worked with bigger names before this. I didn't have time to stand there and contemplate my feelings because Andre finally opened the door.

I looked up at him and was greeted by a warm smile that I quickly returned.

"Hello Brielle, It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard nothing but good things about you." He said ushering me inside his spacious office.

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