The Price Of Power

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Adora groans lightly as she tries to stay asleep.

I get frustrated by her noises and flip over so I'm facing away from her.

All goes well, until I open my eyes slightly only to find a shadowed figure reaching over me to touch Adora.

This startles me so I let out a loud yelp.

It was Shadow Weaver.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I scream.

Adora shoots up awake and pulls out a knife from under her pillow.

She aims it at the old woman.

"Adora..." Shadow Weaver says before letting out a light moan and collapsing to the floor.

Adora looks at the malevolent woman laying on the floor and says,
"Shadow Weaver?"

"I'm going to get Angella." I inform her before running out of our room and heading to the Queen's room.

Angella's Room

"Angella! Shadow Weaver is in our room!" I yell as I burst through her bedroom door.

"What?!" she wakes up, clearly startled by my sudden outburst.

I begin to frantically explain the situation as she goes to get her clothes.

"It's Shadow Weaver. She-She's in our room a-and she was trying to reach Adora, but I woke up and now she's passed out on the floor, and we don't know what to do. We don't know how she got in either."

"Oh Goodness. Go get dressed, make sure everyone is awake. I'll deal with her." Angella replies.

I hum in response and run back to our bedroom.

Some time goes by and we walk up to Angella and Castaspella in front of...

A spare room?

"This is the prison?" Adora asks.

"Yes, it's the prison." Angella firmly replies.

Adora then tries to convince the queen,
"Your Majesty, I know Shadow Weaver. I know her tricks. I need to be there for the interrogation, I'm the only one who-"

The woman cuts her off,
"Shadow Weaver is dangerous. I will not let that woman near you. Near any of you. You are to stay away from this room."

"But, Your Majesty--" Adora gets cut off again.

"That is final."

As Angella and Casta enter the room Adora angrily growls.

"I need to get in there. Shadow Weaver could have gone anywhere, but she came here. I need to know why. If the queen would just listen to me--"

Glimmer stops her ranting and says, "Adora, maybe this is for the best. Shadow Weaver raised you. She knows how to get in your head. We can't risk her manipulating you."

"What? You think she's naive enough to trust Shadow Weaver?" I raise my voice.

"Y/N's right. That won't happen." Adora states.

She pauses for a moment and then yawns.

*Oh I see where this is going.*

*Let's sit back, relax and enjoy this.*

"Althea?!" I accidently yell her name out loud.

"Who?" Bow looks at me confused.

"Nothing." I smile at him.

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