No Princess Left Behind

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Adora and I enter Angella's chamber.

"Your Majesty?" we call out in unison.

"I should never have let her leave this castle. And now, I'm faced with an impossible position. As leader of the Rebellion, how can I surrender myself to our enemy? And yet, as a mother, how do I..."

She sighs.

"I'm going to accept Hordak's terms. Glimmer is all I have."

"You can't. We have no guarantee the Horde will hold up their end of the bargain. We could end up losing you too." Adora tries to think of a different way.

"A rescue attempt is too risky. If we had She-Ra we might have a chance, but without the Sword of Protection..."

"There has to be another way. We can't just give up. We can rescue them. I know the Fright Zone. We'll find a way to get them back." Adora states.

"How are you going to do that?" Queen Angella softly asks.

"I... I don't know yet. But we'll think of something, I promise. We'll bring them home." Adora and I bow and leave the room.

Angella hangs her head as the door slides closed.

Adora covers her face.

Flowers drift through the air. Mermista, Perfuma, Sea Hawk and Entrapta wait in the hallway.

"Huh? What are you all doing here?" I ask.

"We're the Princess Alliance. And the Horde took one of our own." Mermista says.

Perfuma happily adds,
"We're ready for our first mission."

Adora confidently says,
"Let's go get our friends back."

We had set up a spot where we'd come up with a plan.

"Okay. This is the Horde prison." Adora set down a purple boot.

"Glimmer and Bow are being held inside."

"Entrapta, this perfume bottle is you." the blonde places a purple perfuma bottle in front of Entrapta.

"Perfuma, you're the nail polish. Mermista, lipstick."

Mermista grabs the lipstick and says,
"Ew. Do you know what that stuff is made of? I'll be this knife."

She replaces the lipstick with a knife.

Entrapta takes the perfume bottle and lifts it up, motioning it towards Perfuma.

"I feel like Perfuma should be the perfume bottle. That makes the most logical sense."

The flower Princess makes a flower in her hand.

"Maybe I could be a flower."

Sea Hawk holds up all of our war table battle figures,
"Could I be this miniature painted model of Bow?"

Adora swiped them away from his hand.
"No! Those represent Y/N, Bow and Glimmer. And this one's mine. Bow made them for us. Okay, just..." she pauses for a moment.

"Everyone focus! Our entry point will be here, near the Horde's scrapyard. It's close to the prison and lightly guarded."

"Perfuma and Entrapta will access the security tower and wait for my signal to disable the lights."

"Mermista will access the Fright Zone's sewer system. She'll swim through the pipes into the building and open the door."

Mermista glares at Adora.

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