The Sidekick

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Today was a normal day.

Until me and Adora got into an argument.

It started with me telling her she can't keep throwing herself into battle especially when she's injured.

She told me it's for Etheria.

I just went off on her saying how ungrateful she is that I do so much for her, but she ignores me and my help and goes back to doing whatever she wants.

"You're just a protector!" Adora yells at me.

"Heh. I'm your protector." I reply angrily.

"I don't care. I don't need you. I never needed you." she says in a lower voice.

"You got so happy when you found out, and now you're angry at me for something I have no control over?"

"Because you keep telling me what I can and can't do." she claps back at my statement.

"Every hero needs a sidekick. I just so happened to be the lucky one who didn't get to be the sidekick." I slyly reply.

"What do you mean? You're Y/N. She-Ra's sidekick and protector. Everyone sees us as the perfect duo!" the blonde raises her voice.

Her bold statement makes me chuckle for a moment before continuing.

"I am not your sidekick. I am not She-Ra's sidekick. I don't need you or Glimmer, or Bow. I can take care of myself. The only reason I am here and not with the Horde is because Angella pays me to put up with your bullshit every day."

"How could you say that?!" Adora yells.

"Because it's the truth!" I yell back at her.

I breath in for a moment before continuing in a more calmer tone than before, but not calm enough to make her think I'm not angry anymore.

"You know, at that party when Catra came up to me, I was really considering to ask how much I'd get paid to work there until you dragged me away."

"Good thing I did." Adora replies with a slight chuckle at the end of her sentence.

I cross my arms and start pacing around the room.

"No, it's not good. You think because you're the world's savior you can control people like they're your puppets." I spit coldly.

"I don't control people like puppets!" she defends herself and raises volume.

"Okay, then what happened between me and Vendetta? She now feels uncomfortable. And what happened to my other girl friends? Oh right, you pushed them away too."

She stands up and starts explaining herself,
"First of all Casey was a bad person. Second, I just don't like Vendetta's vibe. She gives me mixed feelings."

"Oh, right. Of course they're all bad people! Only you're the goody-two-shoes, isn't that right, Princess?" I ask and pitch my voice higher at the end.

"I never said I was better than anyone. But I know for a fact that they were and still are bad people." she starts to walk closer to me.

"Ven is my teacher, she did nothing wrong."

"You think you're always right, but we all know you have a hero complex. Not to mention the fact that you think you're superior compared to others." I add angrily.

I can see her getting angry at my statement.

"Don't get angry because I told you what you didn't want to hear. That's just life. You can either deal with it or cry about it. Crying about it won't fix anything. It won't help you, nor anybody around you." I state.

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