2. Freak

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"Oh I'm sorry!" You exclaim, watching helplessly as the stacks of paper in Angela's arms scatter to the classroom floor.

Everyone in the class was staring at you, even Will and Jane. You cursed under your breath. If only you weren't so clumsy.

"Ugh!" She squealed, glaring at you accusatorially, "Well... aren't you going to pick them up?"

Your classmates began to smirk as you bent down and picked them up for her as she patiently waited, admiring her nails as she did so.

"You do know that hanging out with the freaks makes you a freak too Y/l/n?" She told you as you hand her her papers back.

You just shrugged, feeling colour flush to your cheeks. Embarrassment.

"She's not a freak."

To your complete surprise, it was Jane that spoke. She was clutching her visual aid tightly and staring at Angela as if she wanted to rip her head off.

"I'm sorry girly," Angela mocked, "But I don't think you have the capability to judge that."

Angela giggled some more before returning to her seat.

You turn to Jane and Will who were both standing behind you. Will looked as awkward as you and Jane was still death staring Angela.

You gave Jane a grateful smile. It's not like she had helped exactly, but she tried. It was possibly the nicest thing Jane had ever done for you.

"Get to your seats, class!"

Mrs Macy's voice cut through the bustle of the classroom like a knife, silencing all parties. You quickly made your way to your seat, wondering exactly what you could do for your project.

The lesson blurred as pupils took turn to present theirs. Billy went first, then Tom, then Gracie, then... You lost count.

Each name was being picked out of a jar so that the order of presenting was completely random.

"Jane Hopper?" The teacher spoke, pulling out Jane's name.

You'd never understood why Jane's last name was Hopper and not Byers but whenever you'd asked, Will had just told you 'It's complicated' or 'It's a long story.'

You shoot Jane a reassuring grin as she nervously pulled herself up from her desk and shakily walked to the front.

People shouted names at her, making you feel bad for her. But still, you kept smiling at her encouragingly, she'd do fine.

"Hello." Jane managed, "The hero I've chosen today is... my dad."

Snickers erupted across the classroom. And Angela's hand shot right up. Great.

"Angela, could you save your question until the end of Jane's presentation?" Mrs Macy announced, but Angela didn't care.

"Oh, I'm sorry miss," Angela clearly wasn't sorry, "I would just like to be more clear on the rules of the assignment. I thought it was supposed to be on a hero, not just anyone."

Angela shot a fake sweet smile at Jane, wickedness flaring in her eyes.

"My dad was a hero." Jane confirmed, "He.. He was in the papers."

"What, your local papers?" Billy spoke, laughing as he did so.

The whole class began to smirk, but Jane kept going. Tears were brimming in her eyes.

"He saved people in the mall fires." She said, "He's my hero."

You looked to Will. You could tell by his face that he was thinking the same as you. She was just embarrassing herself, but, you and Will kept smiling encouragingly. She needed all the support she could get.

Suddenly, the bell went and the class quickly got out of their chairs, hoping to get to lunch faster.

You were grateful for the bell, it meant you didn't have to present yours, at least til after half term.

You waited for the other two, but accidentally caught eye contact with Angela. She smirked, looking you up and down, then mouthed one word at you.


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