Koneko's secret revealed. a new cat's joining in.

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Toad had gotten word that there will be a leader's summit in the underworld. However, Koneko isn't being herself as of late. Lately she's been spacing out like she has something on her mind. Toad noticed this and he wasn't the only one, Kiba and Gasper also noticed it but decided not to say anything. After some time has passed, Rias and her peerage has reached the Gremory family mansion with Grayfia waiting for them. Of course when she saw Toad, she jumped on him, gave him a hug and kissed him on the lips.

Grayfia: oh how I have missed you Toad

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Grayfia: oh how I have missed you Toad.
Rias: Grayfia! You can't just kiss my boyfriend like that!
Grayfia: why not? Sirzechs had been neglecting me for quite a long time. I feel lonely.
Toad: (this woman is gonna be the death of me one day I swear.)

Timeskip. The leader's summit.

All of the leaders of every pantheon gathered to sign the peace treaty so they can join forces against the khaos brigade. But as the meeting was taking place, Rias and Toad followed Koneko to a dark forest and they saw a nekomata who looks older than Koneko.

Koneko: I knew it was you Kuroka

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Koneko: I knew it was you Kuroka.
Kuroka: all I did was sent a little bit of my chi out and you came running.

Rias and Toad are currently hiding in a nearby bush, listening in on their conversation but unfortunately a certain monkey king ratted them out.

Toad: seriously monkey balls. I thought you were smarter than that. Honestly, ratting people out. You really need to get yourself a hobby. Maybe get a girlfriend or something.
Bikou: I don't need to hear that from someone who defeated Vali so easily!
Kuroka: wait so this is the guy who beat Vali without much effort? Now I'm interested.
Toad: and about what happened years ago. Rias, you also need to hear this. The truth is that the reason Kuroka killed her master is because he was planning to experiment on Koneko and turn her into a super devil.
Rias: and i suppose my brother told you this?
Toad: yeah. I did a little recon mission for him some time ago and came across some very useful information.  Isn't that rig Kuroka?
Kuroka: yes it's true. My master was an evil man. I killed him so I can protect Shirone.
Koneko: you knew a didn't tell me Toad?
Toad: to be honest I was planning to. Plus if I did, I didn't know how you would react.
Koneko: I get it. Thanks Toad.
Kuroka: well now that that's settled, can I come with you lady Gremory?
Rias: I don't mind.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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