fun at the pool.

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After Rias and her peerage saved Cordelia from Riser, they decided to take some time off in the pool. Of course Cordelia decided to join them.

Toad: geez I didn't think the pool would look so filthy.
Rias: well it hadn't been used for an entire year.
Toad: I can see that.
???: didn't the student council asked us to clean the pool?

Rias: Cordelia! What are you doing here? Cordelia: what? Didn't dad tell you? I'm a new student of kuoh academy

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Rias: Cordelia! What are you doing here?
Cordelia: what? Didn't dad tell you? I'm a new student of kuoh academy.
Rias: it was Sirzechs' idea wasn't it?
Cordelia: yeah pretty much. Besides, I've taken quite a liking to your boyfriend.
Toad's mind:

Rias: of course you have. You're not the only one. Almost every girl does.
Cordelia: so Akeno. You once told me that you have a crush on him.
Akeno: yes it's true.
Cordelia: well then. I won't lose to either you nor Rias. Toad will become my husband.
Rias: no! He will be MY husband!
Cordelia: oh really? Have you lost your virginity yet?
Rias: yes actually I have. I gave my virginity to Toad.

Meanwhile with everyone else. While Rias, Cordelia and Akeno were arguing, the others have finished cleaning the pool.

Toad: well that's done. Are those 3 still arguing?
Kiba: it would seem so.
Toad: don't worry I got this.

The song quelled the fighting, calming the 3 girls. Cordelia was surprised while Rias and Akeno smiled because they knew how skilled Toad is with playing instruments and singing.

Cordelia: amazing. I never knew Toad was so skilled.
Rias: this was nothing. You haven't heard him sing yet.
Akeno: he has a voice of an angel.

Rias asked Toad to teach Asia and Koneko how to swim which he agreed to. Afterwards, Toad was asked by Rias to put some sunblock on her back. He agreed to it because he's her boyfriend but Akeno wants him to do the same to her. Of course Cordelia hugged him from behind with her breasts pressed against his back causing him to be a blushing mess. So he had no choice but to escape. But not after getting caught in another mess by Xenovia who wants to bare his child.

Rias's favorite pawn (high school dxd harem x OP male oc x crossover harem) Where stories live. Discover now