the phoenix returns, saving Rias's twin sister.

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Despite Riser giving up on Rias because she has a boyfriend, Riser set his sights on her twin sister Cordelia Gremory. News of her engagement to the arrogant asshole spread like wildfire. This enraged Rias. Toad became worried about his girlfriend.

Toad: Rias what's wrong?
Rias: Toad we're going to the underworld!
Toad: why? What happened?
Rias: my twin sister is getting married to Riser!
Asia: you have a twin sister Rias?
Kiba: she's also the hier of the Gremory family.
Akeno: she also possessed the power of destruction on the same level as Rias.
Koneko: she's pretty cool.
Toad: alright so when are we going?
Rias: right now!

Rias haphazardly created a magic circle to teleport her peerage to the underworld so she can save her twin sister Cordelia.

In the phoenix domain.

Riser: welcome ladies and gentlemen, to Riser's engagement party of the great Riser and Cordelia Gremory

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Riser: welcome ladies and gentlemen, to Riser's engagement party of the great Riser and Cordelia Gremory.
???: is it too late to say "I object"?

 ???: is it too late to say "I object"?

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Riser: Rias? What are you and your peerage doing here? Rias: we're stopping this engagement Riser! I will not let my sister marry you! Cordelia: Rias! You're here! And you've brought your peerage with you! ???: it's about time you showed up Rias

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Riser: Rias? What are you and your peerage doing here?
Rias: we're stopping this engagement Riser! I will not let my sister marry you!
Cordelia: Rias! You're here! And you've brought your peerage with you!
???: it's about time you showed up Rias.
Riser: what's the meaning of this milord?!
Sirzechs: did you really think I will let you marry Cordelia? With the way you treat women, I am quite surprised you haven't been disowned yet.
Toad: may I Sirzechs? I wanna put this moron in his place.
Sirzechs: of course.
Cordelia: who is he Sirzechs?
Sirzechs: that is Toad Skywalker, Rias's boyfriend. Of course she's letting him have a harem.
Cordelia: *intrigued* I see. I may need to talk to her about this.

In the arena.

Riser: Riser is surprised that you would challenge Riser red dragon emperor.
Toad: you think you're hot shit but in reality you're just a trash character.
Riser: I will burn you to ashes!
Toad: bring it on fried chicken!

Cordelia: uh Rias? Did your boyfriend just defeated Riser for my sake?
Rias: that's right he did. He would do for me in an instant.
Akeno: it just proves that Toad is badass.
Koneko: word.
Kiba: he is pretty amazing.
Xenovia: indeed.
Cordelia: (Toad Skywalker. I think I'm in love with you. Thank you for saving me.)

Rias's favorite pawn (high school dxd harem x OP male oc x crossover harem) Where stories live. Discover now