the dark truth about Kiba's past.

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After putting Riser in his place, Rias can finally have a happy life with her beloved boyfriend Toad Skywalker. A month later, Toad had noticed Kiba's change in attitude. Toad is starting to worry about him so he decided to ask Rias.

Toad: hey Rias. Have you noticed Kiba acting weird lately?
Rias: I suppose I should tell you about Kiba's past. He and several other kids were test subjects in order to wield Excalibur. They called it the "holy sword project". Unfortunately none of them were compatible of wielding the holy swords so the people in charge decided to eliminate them in order to prevent the information from leaking out. His friends allowed him to escape by buying some time. He was the only survivor. I found him near death so I reincarnated him as a devil. The only thing that drives him now is his revenge on the holy swords.
Toad: aw man. That must've been hard for him.
Murayama: what will he do after he gets his revenge?
Rias: hopefully he can return to the way he was.

Just then, Akeno came in with Sona and Tsubaki.

Akeno: excuse us for the interruption Rias but Sona and Tsubaki wishes to speak with you.
Toad: must be really important.
Murayama: yeah I think so too.

With Rias, Akeno, Sona and Tsubaki.

Rias: both you and Tsubaki saw 2 exorcists wielding Excaliburs?
Sona: from what it looked like yes.
Rias: what were they doing around the school?
Sona: they said that they had something to discuss with you. You will meet them tomorrow.

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