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Cat Noir finally sees that his cousin already found out that his other animal is a Dalmatian dog. It all makes sense that it's like he's from London the same way that the old movie 101 Dalmatians is from London too.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Felix asked.

"Your favorite childhood movie," Cat Noir said and salutes his drink with him, "Especially when Ladybug temporarily gave you the dog miraculous. You were barking mad"

"Oh yeah," Felix drank his glass.

And not forgetting that Felix redecorated the castle with technology too but kept Dracula's style too. Now the vampires are dancing instead of waltzing. The song was playing from the inspiration film 102 Dalmatians.

"How do you like this?" Felix showed him around.

"Almost like time has combined both styles," Cat Noir said.

"It sure has," Felix said.

"How did you afford it?" Cat Noir asked until he guessed that his cousin used hypnosis, "You didn't?"

"Yes, I hypnotized them" Felix admitted.

"Sometimes you're always the opposite of me" Cat Noir rolled his eyes and they went to see the master of the castle.

"It's what I am, Adrien. How else can they tell the difference from another?" Felix chuckled and see Dracula already rising from his coffin.

"Welcome boys" He saw the two.

"Hey, Dad" Cat Noir said.

"Ah, Cat Noir. I see you saw your cousin has a new animal ability" Dracula guessed and goes to grab his cape.

"Yep, for Dalmatian dogs," Felix said.

"I see. So, no threats going on?" Dracula asked.

"None yet," Cat Noir said.

"That's good. Your cousin has shown me how the world has changed. Better yet, I'm starting to like these sorcery machines" Dracula said.

"Modern technology can be some good use," Cat Noir said.

"Ah, modern technology you say? I thought it was made by sorcery magic or something. Especially that rectangle crystal ball box is so.....sorcery" Dracula pointed at the TV flat screen.

"It's called a flatscreen TV. I've connected it with the wi-fi I've installed" Felix said.

"Far from the village? Nice. Also, a TV is somewhat like a crystal ball but it's actually like William Shakespeare's acting performance" Cat Noir explained.

"Ah, the famous writer" Dracula remembers that writer.

"He inspired actors, directors, and writers." Cat Noir chuckled and they went down the halls to the lobby.

"Yes. Hamlet is my favorite play of his" Dracula said.

"And my country has his statue. Now then" Felix said and tapped his cane against the stair rail to get everyone's attention.

"Ahem, attention everyone. I have a special announcement to make" Felix began, "As you all know, the 21st century has changed a lot and we come this way to a new century. Today it's time we embrace modern society, learn to use the lifestyle modern people have" He said and the vampires applauded at his speech.

"Now let's start with the classics. Maestro, music!" He clapped and the maestro played the music on the piano at his request.

"Classic Dracula music?" Cat Noir asked with a smug.

"Yes, it goes with the style," Felix said and morphed into a bat to fly down instead of taking the stairs.

Cat Noir chuckled and shook his head that his cousin will never change but at least he's finally free from his mortal life, "What a doofus. At least he's having an immortal happy life. Am I right?" He asked the vampire lord.

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