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3 days went by and Cat Noir was at Transylvania, teaching his cousin his vampire powers since he has trouble demonstrating them. Dracula was a bit confused that these cousins are like twins but are the opposites.

"Okay watch this" Cat Noir transforms into a bat, "It's quite easy, just think of being a bat," Bat Noir said.

"Be grateful you can still talk" Felix said trying to get the transformation right and morphed into a bat.

"Now to try to fly around and keep focus" He demonstrates to him.

Bat Felix nods and tries to fly after him but morphed back to human form and crashes, "Ow! Damn it, cousin! It's like I'm not built for flying" He complained.

"Keep trying and you'll get the hang of it," Bat Noir said.

Felix kept trying much like how Cat Noir did with Dracula. He failed a few times like turning human in mid-air and landed on the floor until he managed to get a hold of the transformation.

"I think I got it" Bat Felix flapped harder to fly.

"Good, now let's go for a flight tour" Bat Noir opens the windows.

"Show off. Always with your telekinesis" Bat Felix snorted.

"Bats don't open doors you know" Bat Noir flies out the window and into the forest.

"Yeah right," Bat Felix flew after him.

"Don't get too batty, Felix. I know you're starting to like flying" Bat Noir said and dodged the tree branches.

"This feels incredible!" Bat Felix cried in joy.

"Watch this" Bat Noir flew faster and morphed to human form to twirl his body and then morphed back to a bat.

"Wow cool!" Bat Felix did the same.

"Having fun?" Bat Noir flew near him.

"Hell yes," Bat Felix said.

"Now then. The wolf" Bat Noir flew down and morphed into a black wolf.

Bat Felix landed and morphed into a wolf as well, "Oh god!" He didn't expect that his wolf nose is 10 times stronger than a human, "I smell corpses or something!"

"Oh yeah, there lurked zombies in these woods," Wolf Noir said.

"What?! You're not serious, are you?" Wolf Felix didn't think that zombies exist.

"I am dead serious" Wolf Noir replied.

"Was that a pun or just one of your annoying undead jokes?" Wolf Felix said but he spoke too soon when he saw something punched through the ground.

"Literally" Wolf Noir bites the zombie's arm and tore it off.

"What happens if a vampire gets bitten by a zombie?!" Wolf Felix pounced on another that was struggling to get out from the ground.

"It won't work on vampires" Wolf Noir replies as he bites off another zombie's head off.

More zombies appear out of the ground. This was making Wolf Felix nervous that he backs away, "Can't we just fly away?!" He replied.

"Very well" They both morphed into bats and flew away.

They quickly flew out of the forest and back to Dracula's castle through the window.

"Let's never do that again," Felix said once human again.

"Be grateful that you mastered the bat and wolf transformation" Cat Noir said.

"Yeah, thanks cousin," Felix said.

"Now then" Cat Noir pushed his cousin down to make him sit, "Telekinesis is a very hard one. So try to think of something that weighs light. So watch and learn" He sat down in Indian style and took a deep breath to demonstrate.

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