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Adrien's friends understand that he's a vampire but the teachers and adults in the school don't. A month ago, he tested with sunscreen to temporarily protect himself from getting burned in daylight and it worked. His best pal accepted him that his life has changed and that he would never harm him or his friends. Lila knows but she's too scared to be near him but sometimes she begs him to turn her but he refused.

He was in the boys' bathroom applying more sunscreen on his face and arms, even if he can't see his reflection but the sunscreen in the mirror shapes his face and arms.

"Dude, I know it's been a month but I'm liking the new you," Nino said.

"Thanks, man" Adrien replied.

"Do you still miss being human?" Nino asked.

"I do miss being human though becoming a vampire made me realize I should have stood up to my father a long time ago. Also, once I turn 20 I'll stop aging " Adrien replied.

"And I suppose nighttime is now your friend since the sunlight is dangerous for you," Nino said.

"Yes. For me it feels like getting caught on fire" Adrien explained how it feels.

"But you have sunscreen to protect you, my dude" Nino said.

"For now, but it's temporary, Nino. I smell like I'm going to the beach" Adrien said and puts the sunscreen in his bag and walks out of the bathroom with Nino, "But at least you guys are not scared of me."

"Because you're still Adrien, but Chloe is repulsed by you being a vampire," Nino said.

"She's never gonna change?" Adrien knew that Chloe will always remain rude.

"Nope. But I know she'll end up alone. Anyways, get home safely, and don't let the sun cook you up, my dude" Nino said, knowing that Adrien can turn into a bat.

"Alright, Nino. And don't let the wolf out" Adrien let out a small joke of Nino's wolf akuma form.

"Hilarious" Nino said and walks with Alya.

Adrien turns into a bat and flew his way home, with no need of a bodyguard. He flew above the city of Paris, feeling all free. But he has to remain hidden because bats don't fly in daylight. So he flew into hidden places among the apartment buildings.

Just then, his stomach growled and Plagg heard it too, "Oh come on! At least Dracula gave you the Egyptian relic to turn water into blood. Now hurry up before you chew me up!" Plagg complained.

"I'm hurrying up, Plagg. Just shut up. We are almost there" Bat Adrien found his mansion and flew through the open window.

He morphed into human form and ran inside his bathroom, turning the sink on and took out the ancient relic to turn the water into blood. He took a glass wine to fill it up with water and dunked the relic to turn water into blood.

"Purrfect" He drank from it.

"Don't you think you should come up with batty puns?" Plagg asked and swallowed his Camembert.

"I'm still a cat person," Adrien said.

"You're always the cat's meow. Man, my kitten is growing up so fast" Plagg said.

"Indeed" Adrien smiled at him.

"At least I'm relieved you don't have to hunt anymore. It's a nightmare/ But I know you'll still do it again" Plagg said.

Adrien walks up to the cork bulletin board with photos of his friends and some of himself on the ads. The bulletin from Marinette's room inspired him to do the same for himself. Something to keep the memories preserved and it was photos.

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