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A metal flick from Byeol's lighter briefly filled the silence inside the dark bedroom. Then, a small warm light faintly illuminates before dying down as semi-translucent light grey fumes puff in the air.

With a cigarette now hung in between her plump lips, Byeol is currently laying on her stomach with bare breasts on top of the pile of pillows on the bed. Desaturated light of the moonlight clarifies the contours of her beautiful naked back. The lower part of her, right above the bum to below, is unfortunately covered by a thick blanket.

"What the... you're back smoking again?" A man's drowsy voice caught her attention as she look sideways, towards Boun who lays beside her. His sleepy eyes are now squinting, curiously looking at her. Boun is also bare from any clothes, with the same thick blanket covering his lower region.

"Did I wake you?" She asks back while exhaling the fumes out of her lungs.

Boun groans and raises himself a little to lean on the headboard, "Yeah. I thought you quit smoking. Something bothering you?"

"...How you know?"

"You can't help but smoke when you feel stressed." Boun explains, "What is it about? Care to share it with me?"

But Byeol doesn't answer the question. Instead, she turns to the other side and places the lit cigarette on the ashtray while utters, "Get some more sleep. It's still within the wee hour and you need to get up early as well to treat Keenan."

...She's not opening herself to me.

The silent rejection and redirecting of conversation upset Boun a little. Because even though they're often had sex with each other, Boun knows that Byeol only opens herself up to certain people. He is not one of them.

But Jin... is one of those people. And that fact flicks a jealousy fire inside him.

"Oh yeah," Boun tears his gaze away to the front towards nothing in particular, jaw clenched to hold his annoyance, "Sargon strangled him, right?"

"Accidentally strangled him," Byeol corrects and exhales the remnant of fumes out in between her lips, "Sargon-Oppa didn't mean to."

Boun chuckles in a deep voice, "Really? Didn't mean to, huh?"

Noticing the sarcasm, Byeol looks to Boun with a little offended expression, "What's with the intonation? Don't tell me you actually think Oppa did that on purpose?"

"No, of course not. But this also proven that his mental health is not stable enough."

"He's fine," Byeol defend, "Sargon-Oppa has softened a lot ever since Keenan arrived-"

"Don't try to sugarcoat the real situation, Byeol," Boun cuts and look back at Byeol, "Even though he didn't mean to, it doesn't change the fact that he had hurt Keenan. Sargon can't control his emotion and if this keep on being ignored, who knows what's going to happen."

Byeol rolls her eyes, "Nothing's going to happen. Everything is under control. I and Jin can make sure of it."

...Jin again.

Boun's jaw clenched again, "How you know? Both you and Tae Jin don't know what Sargon wants at the end of his revenge and what he's going to do with the Song family. Both of you didn't know the history between them and why Sargon is so resentful towards them."

"...We don't need to know," She answers, "We just need to follow and stop when neccessary, Boun."

"...Are you sure you can stop him? And how convinced are you that our loyalty lies on the right side? What if we're the bad guys?" Boun states as he continues with a deeper frown, "Sargon often used the innocents as tools to take revenge. And on this one, we are all aware that Ms Hye Rin knows nothing yet he still involves her in his revenge plan. Don't you think that's wrong? I fucking hate how uncaring he is to the others around him. I get that he has a horrible past and was brought up with several pairs of iron fists. But does all of that really..." he briefly clenched his jaw before releasing it while mumbling, "entitled him to be this cruel?"

Byeol didn't answer the statement, but her disapproval stare seems to upset Boun a little as he sighs and looks away, "...I now pity the poor boy. Keenan doesn't deserve to have this kind of life."

I pity both you and Jin, for having unwavering loyalty to such a vile man. And I especially pity you, Byeol... for being immoral and not knowing what's right or wrong.

But he doesn't say what's on his mind and redirects the empathetic feeling to someone else, "Someone as soft and delicate as him doesn't suit to be beside such a vile man like Sargon. In the end, that boy will be torn to shreds by Sargon's cruel tendencies and we all can only stand to witness."

He then glances at Byeol, "...Unless we do something about it."

In between the building tension inside the bedroom, it all breaks when Boun's phone starts to ring. He turns to the bedside table and immediately gone rigid once seeing the caller ID. Ignoring Byeol's curious stare, Boun sits up and takes the device with him before standing up naked and silently walking toward the balcony.

And despite not being told anything, Byeol can sense Boun's alertness of her presence. It is unnecessary in her opinion to be so aware by just a mere call.

Unless it's important.

"...Probably some other chick calling," Byeol mumbles before turning herself and changing into a more comfortable lying position, "Not that I care..."


Thank you for reading my work!

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