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Hard pants had already burned Boun's lungs. The smell of blood that drenched him had been prickling his nose all the way. But he ignores all of it and continues to run through the forest as fast as he can. His erratic eyes will seldomly look to his back, at the people that are now chasing him, then to the front for aiding him to pass the trees on his way.

Shouts of the people hunting him fuel his will for survival. But all of that bravery suddenly went out of his system the moment bullets were shot behind him. It made his legs give up and trip him to face plant himself on the dirt ground.

The sound terrified Boun. But when there was no more gun being fired and his body not punctured by them, he realized that the shots weren't meant for him. Boun look back and is true to his guess, the men that were chasing him are now on the ground with blood drenching their deformed head.

Suddenly, a click of a gun comes out behind him. Boun looks back and found a nozzle already in front of him. As he looks up at the executioner, Boun found a pair of hazel eyes that he had familiarity with. They're the same ones that he had seen under him on some of the nights. The ones that were once hazy with lust and twinkle in pleasure.

But now, none of that emotions is on them. It now has been replaced with a cold stare, leering down as if they're degrading him.

"...Byeol," Boun stutters in between his breath.

The call seems to affect Byeol, as proven by the gun nozzle shaking a little in her hand.

Seeing this, Boun slowly stands on his feet and keeps his gaze on Byeol's, raising his hand in a surrendering position. Gulp a big lump down his throat, the doctor smiles with an expression showing relief, "How so happy I am to see you. Are you--"

"Stop talking." Byeol cuts while clenching her teeth, ready to pull the trigger. She was determined to fulfil her master's order. Even though it aches her inside, Byeol had promised herself to not disappoint her master.

But as time pass by, the will begins to waver once she sees Boun standing in front of her. It adds another blow the moment Byeol look into Boun's calming eyes.

The memories that they spent were bittersweet. Countless passion nights that they shared were at the side of the haven. Byeol now reminded how Boun was her sanctuary that she had been so wanting to not be tainted. To be the one that she wants to keep safe.

But here they are. Face one another as a foe. A predator and prey. She understands that reality is never forever filled with rainbows. But she never thought that there will be a day that she needs to wipe one of her favourite colours inside her own rainbow.

Heartache begins to dominate Byeol. Her eyes are the first ones to follow the emotions, flowing out tears and running down her cheeks. The second one was her hand that held the gun, now trembling and wanting to set the nozzle aside from Boun.


Hot breaths exhale out of them, as sensual movements continue to be made on the creaking bed. Tangled sheets caress their damp skin, limbs intertwining to secure one another.

Byeol's insides feel so full of love, hazing her vision with passion as she looks up at Boun. The man had now on top of her, sitting in between her legs to connect their most intimate parts to one another. The front torso of his hovering on top of her, hands supporting himself to not crush her.

Noticing Byeol's stare, Boun moves his gaze to her. The calmness of Boun's eyes affects her in such a strange way. It warms something inside of her and even gives a tingling sensation once he smiles at her.

He approaches her, going down as a hand now gently caressing her blushing cheek. Eyes still full of serenity and passion. The sight that he often shows whenever they're together on the bad and tangled with each other.

"Byeol," Boun's breathy voice gently bleeds into her ear, as the man moves even closer and leaves only a strand of hair gap in between their lips,

"I love you, no matter what."


I can't... I... I can't...

The doubts finally eating Byeol from the inside. It crawls and pulls her determination. Vow of loyalty being swung and pulled out of her. Eventually, emotion beat her will. Byeol gasped to fill her lungs while bringing the gun down.

I can't... I'm sorry Sargon... But I can't...

Byeol cries and tears her gaze away from Boun's. Without realizing it, her heart has gone too deep, causing her to care too much for this man. It has now become a flaw.

A hole, that might give a disastrous effect, as she let Boun escape out of her grasp. She only watches his back that is moving away from her, eventually going in between the thickness of the forest.


Thank you for reading my work!

I sincerely hope you enjoy my writing :)

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