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The trail leads Sargon to the study room, located on the same floor but at the far end of the hallway. And when he opens the door slightly ajar, he can hear a trail of sobs before ending with a gasp coming from inside.

My kitten is crying, Sargon worries and enters the room. His eyes instantly caught Kei's lean back raising up, tensing in an alert. And as he looks down at the kitten's left foot, the bandage on the sole of it had already been painted with blood. Seeing the gesture, Sargon decides to call in a gentle voice instead of touching his kitten first to avoid shock and possibly wounded the latter further, "Keenan."

Immediately, the kitten's shoulders relax as a pillow hits on the floor in front of him. Sargon's eyes slightly widen when he notices a blood stain on the upper far right side of the pillow. This means the shot wound on Kei's shoulder is bleeding again. 

There's an urge to scold his kitten for being reckless with his own wound. But the moment Kei turns and looks at him, Sargon froze at his own feet. 

The kitten's body trembling, his light skin shines and chocolate hair is stuck on his forehead because of sweat, bruise on his neck has gone darker from the previous abuse. The shirt the kitten wore had also taint with blood on the right shoulder. The front part of it had many creases, caused by the kitten hugging the pillow too tightly earlier. Sargon also caught Kei's chestnut lips paling and the sound of teeth chattering faintly comes out in between them. His doe eyes are drenched in tears, filled with fear and sorrow. They look to be unfocused, eyelids and lashes keep on fluttering in fright.

All of the gestures remind Sargon of himself as he had a similar reaction whenever he came out of the nightmare. The sight brings out a worry mixed with a regret feeling. It squeezes Sargon's heart in a very uncomfortable way when seeing Kei being vulnerable and scared like this.

"Keenan," Sargon calls again and approaches the rooted kitten, gently touching the fidgeting slender fingers to his, hoping that the latter will be able to recognize his voice and touch, "I am here."

Fortunately, the kitten recognizes the baritone voice and the pair of doe eyes are finally able to focus on Sargon. Letting out a sob that had clogged his throat, Kei calls the other in a shaky voice, "...Sargon..." before smiling through his tears and lunging himself at his dearest beast.

The inked hands comply, wrapping tightly yet carefully around Kei's trembling body. 

"It's okay, Kitten. I'm here." The baritone voice that the kitten had longed to hear utters comforting words in abundance. They bleed into his ear like a soothing song and instantly calms the turmoil feeling that had been torturing him from inside.




They stay inside the office, with Kei sitting on the wooden desk and Sargon on the swivel office chair in front of him, tending the wound on his foot after done with the shoulder. An opened medical kit is also present, as the inked hand seldomly takes something out from it. the stitches luckily weren't reopened, so Sargon only needs to clean and replace the bandages on them.

Sargon work in silence, focusing himself to tend the wound and not making it as painful as possible, knowing that Kei hates being in pain. But knowing that fact as well he knows that Kei wasn't in the right mind at the earlier time. Disregarded with the painful feeling clearly suggest that Kei is shaken by something, possibly a nightmare.

It is unlikely caused by something else. The servants are all afraid to disobey and no intruders will be able to invade The Abadeer's mansion. Kei was also asleep the last time Sargon checked.

Kitten [BxB|18+]✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن