eight // jungkook

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Karma for being rude to her because of my job is biting me back right now. One third of the food got burned, and Pauline is still not back from the store. She texted fifteen minutes ago, when she was stuck in traffic. Yoongi fell sick in the morning so it's just me and Seokjin cooking for thirty something people. Thirty four, I think, but in a highly stressful moment, I don't trust my brain to remember things well.

I've been in a haze for the past two hours. I'm about to explode.

I hate when things go wrong in the restaurant. It's the only thing in my life that brings me fulfillment and if it's not perfect, it's an immediate failure. Especially on a day like this. When for once I not only want to but need to make a good impression, everything is getting messed up.

I don't lash out on my employees ever, but as I bring them all to the kitchen, I can't help it. I have been frustrated since last night, since the completely unnecessary fight with Célestine, and today keeps jabbing me in the ribs, and I'm over it.

"Can you all get a grip on yourselves?! I did burn the food, but someone was supposed to clean it up! Why the hell are you not doing that?! A bad review from these people affects all of you. Don't you care even a bit about your job?!"

I'd probably go on, saying nonsense just for the sake of being angry, but they all jump, gasping like they saw a ghost.

"What?" I ask. "What did I say?"

Joan, the one responsible for the dishes, shakes her head and points at the door. I turn back and jump, too, when my eyes meet Célestine leaning against the door frame. She presses her lips together and waves at me.

So she's heard me yell at them, too. Great. She'll think I'm an asshole.

I clear my throat and look back at my people. "Yeah, so... you're doing great, guys. Everyone's nervous, I get it. Let's... work hard together, yeah? We'll work it out," I say. They gape, making me roll my eyes. "Why are you so surprised? I'm always nice. I got mad once."

Célestine walks further in, stepping a tiny step away from me. My body tenses again.

Seokjin chuckles. "We're surprised at the sudden shift, boss." I roll my eyes.

Our conversation about work ends here. Sally clears his throat, stepping out of the crowd. "Miss Tina..."

Célestine smiles. "Just Tina. And... I'm here very unofficially. If someone asks, you didn't see me, alright?" Everyone agrees immediately.

Awkward silence fills the kitchen for a moment. Someone's about to become a spokesperson tomorrow and ask me all the questions they have about why Tina Cartier is in our kitchen and how we know each other.

For now, Seokjin says, "Let's get back to work, everyone."

They slowly disperse to do their tasks. I'm glad no one treats her like a superstar – neither of us needs a show now.

My breath shudders when she wraps her fingers around my wrist. "Can we talk? Just a minute."

I nod. I haven't expected her to come here tonight even for a second, especially after last night, but the moment I saw her in the door, every issue seemed solvable.

I close the door to the kitchen, trapping the noise in, as we stop behind the counter, in the empty restaurant.

Célestine swings on her feet, back and forth, and says, "I wanted to apologize. I wasn't understanding at all yesterday. I'm sorry."

I shake my head. "No, it's my fault, I-"

"It wasn't your fault at all," she says. "You've been nothing but understanding to me from the beginning and I wasn't. I'm sorry. I know it's important to you. Next time if I say something stupid, just... smack me or something. We're friends. Don't hold back."

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