seven // célestine

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Célestine, ma chérie.

I though him saying my name sounded like Heaven's welcoming melody, but I was wrong. Everything he says keeps getting better, and I have no control over how it makes me feel. But I don't want control over it.

He towers the waffles on a plate and puts it in the middle of the table. "That's all. I ran out of batter."

"I think this is perfectly enough." I chuckle, counting twelfth waffle, and reach for one. "I can't do things like this when I'm working."

"Things like this?" Jungkook asks, slipping into his chair, and takes a sip of tea.

"I can't just eat whatever and whenever." I sigh, putting maple syrup on the waffle. "It's a pain in the ass. I love food."

Jungkook – in a softest way possible – puts a blueberry into each square in his waffle. "When we met, you said you would eat whatever, but what's your favorite?"

"Choosing favorites is a punishment. Your entire menu would have to take one spot."

"Then your top ten in no particular order," he says, waving the fork around.

So an extra spot for his restaurant food. Everything with cheese gets its own category, counted as five by Jungkook. Ice cream, especially strawberry. Crêpes. Lemon tart. Burritos. Milkshakes.

"I've mentally noted it all down," Jungkook says, smiling tellingly.

"Just open a separate restaurant for me." I joke. I try the hazelnut butter Jungkook made, and a quarter of it goes onto my second waffle. I think him being so happy that I love his food makes the food five times tastier than it already is.

"You can treat my apartment as such," he says. "You're always welcomed here. Food always will be ready. And free. Everything on the menu, just say a wish."

"Aren't you treating me too well?" I smile playfully, even though I hope he doesn't stop.

"I'm just doing what I love."

Loving food, not knowing how to make it and meeting Jungkook has been a great compilation for my life.

"What about you, huh?" he asks, wrapping his fingers around the mug. "You spend a lot of time working, so what are things you like to do, but can't because of time?"

"I like going on walks. I really wish I could do it more often, especially in nature. I love it when we have a movie set somewhere in nature. I always sneak out to explore, and the shooting is delayed because they can't find me. I really like dogs, too. I want to have a puppy," I say. Jungkook smiles. We share that one, too. "I also love babies," I add, growing excited. "I like everything to do with sports, too, but I totally don't have time for that."

"If you want a puppy, do you want kids, too?"

"One day, of course. I gotta have someone to make the kids with first."

"You will. For sure," he says, reassuringly.

Jungkook believes in me, no matter how big or small the thing in question is. I'm used to people having faith in me – that's why I'm hired for big and important roles. But not used to people believing in me when it comes to something like finding true love. Or being myself.

"Beyond all of it," I say, "I like trying new things. Even if I do something once, and never touch it again. That's one of my favorite things about acting. I get to learn random skills I almost never use again."

"What's the most random?" Jungkook asks.

"Sharpening and throwing knives. For Moonflowers," I say. "I can still do it."

CelestineOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant