two // jungkook

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I'd stay in work for the next twelve hours if she wanted to try everything on the menu, or wanted to talk about anything. When I was watching that movie last night, not even once did it cross my mind that Tina... Célestine Cartier would be in my restaurant within twenty four hours. (Those manifestation YouTube channels don't come close to me). I've had celebrities visit me sometimes, and I've thought about a possibility of her coming around.

Hell, it has never crossed my mind she might know who I am. Even if every celebrity that steps a foot in here knows. But her? Not in my wildest dream. And I thought I'd be louder and shakier about it. In a strange way I'm relieved. Proud of holding a name Célestine Cartier heard of. Confident, after she handed me praise after a praise for my cooking. For the food she's been loving for a while. I've been cooking for her all this time and never knew and it's officially a crime.

She felt both like an incredible actress and a human like all of us. I could feel, not because of her fame, but because of the way she is, a sense of power and confidence she holds. But at the same time the words flowed so effortlessly, and she was so comfortable to be around. I didn't feel the stress I do around celebrities.

I have to do well, because if they ever speak a word about my restaurant, I'd rather it be positive. When cooking for Célestine, I was hoping she'd love it. Not for a review, but because I wanted her to enjoy it. When celebrities come to my place, I always think of a review first. The moment I saw her I wanted her to feel welcomed.

And now I am hoping she'll come around again. Maybe after working hours, too, when it's just me behind the counter. But, realistically speaking, Célestine coming here again is like my day dream – it doesn't come true. Her break will end soon, and, once again, she'll be too busy to walk around restaurants.

I'm grateful for that evening even if we are never to meet again. Which is strangely disheartening. Not because of her job. It's been a while since I've talked to someone who wasn't my mom, my dad or my employees. There are so many things I want to tell her. I've seen her face so many times, yet I've never thought about it until I had a chance to speak to her. She's always been an unreachable actress. Now I want her to know about me, want to know about her, want her to talk and to listen.

Célestine Cartier. Célestine suits her better than Tina, and I could tell she likes it more.

The kitchen's clean again. I wipe the counter and readjust the chairs to put them all in a straight line. I only pause at the chair Célestine sat on. A small tube of lip balm hasn't been on the floor before she came. I pick it up. Cherry. It has small cherries all over the tube and it smells sweet.

She can buy a thousand of those, right? She can, but it'd be polite to... give a lost thing back. I don't have a clue if she'd ever come to my restaurant again, but I can't deal with the idea of this evening being the only one like this. And if giving it back to her is an excuse to ensure I do, only I will know about it.

I loved cooking for her and how much she was enjoying it. I make my whole life about cooking for others. I dream about it. Whatever that means. For my customers, for my friends, my lover. My mom has always been like this. Whenever she made food, she'd always wait for others to try it first, would always wait for their reactions. And she smiles the widest when we liked what she made.

I learned it quickly. When she taught me how to bake muffins when I was nine and invited some of her friends over, I ran around the living room, gifting everyone my muffins. When they loved them was when I was the happiest.

I already have the honour to cook for others, in my restaurant, but it doesn't fill the cup. It used to, when I started. I was always full of energy, beaming, just because some random people liked my food enough to come a few more times or leave a nice review online. I was young, no plans, no future. Just living in the moment, enjoying what I had, and cooking took up ninety nine percent of my days. I'm still young, 28 isn't much, but I've been doing that since forever.

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