ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 50

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Marvolo was in Gringotts that evening to grab some money in order to buy a few things that he wanted to gift his little moon. At this point it was no secret that he liked to spoil her every time he could, he would buy unnecessary things just because it was pretty and he taught it would look good on Artemis, he had already proven this with the dresses from Valentine's Day in her second year.

Marvolo didn't like it when his little moon was being obligated to something, so when he saw Regulus Black drag her into Gringotts and demand to have her cleansed, well he had to force himself not to destroy the entire establishment in order to find out exactly what happened.


"James, Lily, and Remus, we need to go to Gringotts." Sirius shouted as he entered the living room.

"Why?" Lily asked, confused.

"Severus wrote, someone feed Artemis compulsions."


"Hurry up." Sirius rushed the couple and his spouse. And soon enough they arrived to Gringotts and found Marvolo with Regulus inside a room.

"What happened?" The four heard Marvolo ask.

"We would like to know that too." Lily spoke up.

"After the potions accident, it seems that someone feed Artemis compulsions in the infirmary." Regulus explained.

"But how? Her rings would have noticed." James wondered aloud.

"We have two options, one; they're undetectable compulsions that her rings didn't sense or two; while she was in the infirmary, she took them off and someone took advantage of that."

$I'll kill them$ Marvolo hissed, his magic lashing out. 'How dare someone hurt my little one, they will pay, I'll make sure of it.' He thought.

"Right now, she's getting cleansed." Regulus informed them.

Marvolo didn't like it one bit, he remembered being cleansed at the age of eleven, it was horrible, the pain was like nothing he had experienced before, and he had suffered a lot. Marvolo couldn't even begin to imagine how his little moon was feeling, she had never been hurt in a painful way, not even whilst playing quidditch.

It didn't take long before they all heard Artemis's pleas for help, to make it stop, that it hurt too much. Marvolo lifted his head to see the three parents in tears being comforted by Regulus and Remus. He was internally seething, he promised vengeance, and nothing would stop him from getting it, not even Artemis.


"Do you think that she's going to be okay?" Pansy asked, she was worried for her friend, they all were.

"Yes." Luna replied.

"How are you so sure?" Cho was nearly in tears. 'How didn't they notice it before; it had been so obvious.'

"She's with her Tommy." Luna had this look on her face, it was unexplainable. But they trusted her word, they always did, she always knew things. How? They weren't sure. Did they believe in her words? After a few weeks of her knowing things that she shouldn't without a reason.


"Don't worry Lord Black, an investigation will be held, this won't go unpunished." Amelia Bones assured the distressed father. "I ask you that as soon as Heiress Potter – Black wakes, she takes an inheritance test, so that we can know who fed her the compulsions in the first place, and then see if the person was forced or something like that."

"Of course, Ms. Bones." That's all Sirius managed to say to angry and worried to try and speak more.

After an hour, cut – throat, the Potter's family account manager entered the room. "The young Heiress has woken; she's getting dressed and will be here in a moment."

As told, Artemis entered three minutes later. "Sweetie, we were so worried when Severus  wrote." Lily was the first to hug the young Slytherin, followed by Sirius, James, and Remus. Then Marvolo gestured for her to approach him, which she did and was immediately brought to the man's lap.

Instead of fighting like her father's would've liked, she leaned in, resting comfortably on his chest.

𝕳𝖎𝖘 𝕷𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓 - 𝕿.𝕸.𝕽      Old version of A Queen In RedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon