ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 51

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"Heiress Potter – Black, I am Amelia Bones, Head of the Auror Department, I'm in charge of finding out how exactly you engaged in this situation. We need you to perform an inheritance test to find out who fed you the compulsions." Artemis wordlessly nodded, too tired to speak. She just wanted to rest, with her mate whispering sweet thing into her ears like he does when she doesn't feel well.

"Drop seven drops of your blood on the parchment." Cut – throat told Artemis.

"What happens with my blood after, and can anyone else read this?" Artemis questioned,

"Your blood becomes the ink that will write on the paper. And no one else can read this unless you personally give permission."

Artemis nodded and cut her hand in order to deliver her blood to the parchment.


Name: Artemis Lillian Rose Potter – Black Evans.

Birth date: July 31st of 1980.

Blood statues: Half-blood [ considered pureblood.]

Magical core: Neutral.

Creature inheritance: sex Demon [ Sub.]

Familiar: Snake – Stella.

Father: James Fleamont Potter [ Pureblood] and Sirius Orion Black ||| [ Pureblood.]

Mother: Lillian Marie Potter nee Evans. [ Muggle – born]

Godparents: Remus Lupin; Severus Snape, Alice Longbottom; Narcissa Malfoy.

God siblings: Draco Malfoy and Neville Longbottom.

Lord/Lady/Heir/Heiress to: Ancient and Noble House of Potter, Ancient and Noble House of Black, Ancient and Noble House of Gryffindor. Ancient and Noble House of Hufflepuff, Heiress to the Ancient and Noble House of Prince, Heiress to the Ancient and Noble House of Lupin, Heiress to the Ancient and Noble House McKinnon, Heiress to the Ancient and Noble House of McGonagall, Heiress to the Ancient and Noble House of Le Fay.

Magical Guardian: Parents.

Living arrangements: Riddle Manor.

Injuries: Minor, currently all healed. [sports]

Properties': Too many to list

Magical blocks: Wandless magic, wordless magic, eidetic memory, magic core, parsoltongue, parsel magic.

Compulsions: Hatred towards dark families, mistrust towards dark families, loyalty toward Molly Weasley; Ronald Weasley; Hermione Granger; Ginevra Weasley; Albus Dumbledore, love potions towards Ronald Weasley, puppeteer potion, neglect soulmate bond, neglect parental and maternal bonds, neglect godparents and God siblings bond, etc. Keyed to Albus Dumbledore; Hermione Granger; Ronald Weasley; Ginevra Weasley; Molly Weasley.

Transactions: None.

Soulmate: Marvolo Slytherin – Half – blood – Basilisk and Vampire – Age unknown [ Dom].

Contracts: Marriage contract between Ronald Billius Weasley and Artemis Lillian Rose Potter – Black Evans. Signed by Albus Dumbledore and Molly Weasley nee Prewett [ under the condition that Mr. Weasley gains control over all Lordships and Proprieties,' and that Ms. Potter – Black obeys his every command – sexual interactions included.] [ Illegal.]

Prophesy's: One, under the name: THE LOVERS AND THE DARK LORD. Mentions yourself, your soulmate and Albus Dumbledore. Can access at the Hall of Prophesy's at The Ministry of Magic of Britain.

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