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I reach out for Levi, but my hand grabs at empty air by my side. Whipping my head back to face Lucien, I find Levi standing in front of me, stance wide and predatory.

Lucien stares him down, lips curved in a triumphant smirk. Light from the exit tunnel shines into the now emptied station and outlines his silhouette. "My little fawn even brought a gift."

I'm too frightened to speak.

"She isn't yours," Levi sneers.

Lucien just laughs.

My eyes fly around, searching for one soul—anyone—to alert. But we're alone. Even the tracks are empty, the passage that's usually brimming with people is vacant. Where are the police? They should be swarming by now. This is the middle of the city. What is going on?

"Just as predictable as the rest," Lucien continues, clicking his tongue as his eyes fixate on me. "All I had to do was keep a lookout stationed at the nearest station. With some incentive, you'll be even more faithful than my little Romanian doll. Perhaps as pliable as the rest of the humans. They're all so easy to deceive."

"What have you done?" I bite out, standing despite how my legs shake beneath me. "I know about Kristi."

"Don't," Levi warns. "He'll only upset you."

Past the upper exit, my eyes latch onto an officer in uniform, strolling by as complacent as ever. His back is turned like he's preoccupied with something in the opposite direction.

Then I know. Lucien used Deception—on everyone entering the station.

Panic seeps in further. No, Anne and Hugh must be helping too.  That makes three vampires against one, and Levi will be handicapped trying to protect me. I can't let him get injured.

He may have defeated Marc, but I know Lucien must be stronger. They had him pinned before, and if I hadn't distracted them then Levi would have...they would've killed him.

That's what Lucien is going to do.

Kill Levi.

Lucien's smile widens, observing my every reaction and exposing a pair of sharp teeth. "Don't fret, little fawn. I treat my collection well."

At that, Levi launches forward.

Before I can register his movements, a terrible creak fills the space, followed by a pained grunt.

"Disposing of you isn't worth my time," Lucien growls. He has Levi by the neck, pinning him over the railing between this level and the floor below. "But I'll spare a few minutes, so behave."

Levi's feet dangle off the ground, and the metal bars of the railing are bent back around his waist. With both hands wrapped snug around Levi's throat, Lucien smiles as Levi tries to pry his hands off, but to no avail. My stomach dives to the floor. This can't be good. Why didn't Levi give me more information, even just one way to harm a vampire?

Lucien leans in to apply more pressure, and Levi squirms, face contorting. My eyes flick to the flimsy duffel bag, hoping it's big enough to cause a distraction.

As I reach for it, a howl severs my thoughts. I flick my eyes back up to see Levi's claws imbed themselves in Lucien's face, ripping deep gashes into his pristine features.

"Motherfucker," Lucien hisses, yanking back Levi's arm and sinking his own claws into Levi's shoulder with a nauseating crunch. Levi's pained shout sends a stab straight to my heart. I stumble backwards, back slamming into a wall. His bones sounded as fragile as chips.

Lucien's face has already begun to heal and return to normal, while Levi's arm hangs limp at his side. There must be a hundred broken fragments for his body to heal, so it will take more time. My hands ball into fists and I rack my brain, determined to do something. Anything.

Color Me Crimson | 𝘙𝘰𝘨𝘶𝘦 𝘝𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦Where stories live. Discover now