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While Levi's out, I take the liberty to venture into the kitchen and help myself to some snacks and refreshments. Being cooped up in that small bedroom has taken its toll, and any change of scenery is more than welcome.

As the sun lowers to the horizon, golden light shoots out in rays that pierce through the forest. Even the most insignificant clusters of wildflowers cast long shadows, their pigments saturated and leaves vibrant green despite the late hour. The view is stunning, not at all as haunting as a sunset in the city. When darkness approaches there it only serves as a reminder to the end of another day.

The desire to go outside and walk pulls me closer to the window in the living room. This place is magical, and I want to be a part of it. A part of something bigger.

However, I'm not sure when I'll run out of energy. My strength has been a little touch and go as of late, and I don't doubt Levi could find and bring me back if anything happened. Considering my excursion around the house was an accomplishment in and of itself, I decide to save the walk for another day.

Settling into the couch, my eyes are drawn back to the woods across from me. A handful of squirrels and birds chase each other outside the window. I feel envious; they don't worry about getting fired or keeping a roof over their heads. Surprisingly, I don't miss the sight of other people.

After a while the light fades further and the animals disappear into the tree branches that stretch into a dark blue sky. I wonder what Levi's doing right now. Is he someone else's nightmare, like Lucien is mine?

The thought doesn't sit well with me. He did say he won't target the innocent. What did he mean by that? I can't picture him being...well, a vampire.

I reach for the remote and turn on the TV, trying to distract myself from my thoughts and the itch on my arms. Surfing through the basic channels, I come to a pause at a true crime show. Soon I'm engrossed, reaching for the blanket and pull it closer and closer until I'm wrapped tight. The story line is intriguing, but I'm much more affected by the context than usual.

A little less than an hour later the front door opens. I jump, and then remember it's only Levi before relaxing again. Looking over my shoulder, I watch as he steps in.

Blue light from the television casts a soft illumination on his black jacket, outlining broad shoulders and a creating a sparkle in his eyes. He carries the confidence of one who wields power, but none of selfishness or delusion of a monster. Merely a man, who somehow isn't at the same time.

He carries a brown bag, this time it looks like take out. Guess he hunted down some dinner for me after he got his. The thought makes my lips lift in a smile. "Have a good trip?"

Deep red eyes meet mine. Instead of fear, something pleasant stirs in my heart, warmer than the blanket. "It went as expected." His attention shifts to the television. "Interesting choice of entertainment."

I snort. "I'm sure this stuff is nothing compared to what I assume vampires do."

"Mm." He doesn't sound amused. I turn back to the show as he walks to the dining table and sets down the bag. "Humans and vampires can be equally as cruel."

"Should I change the channel?" I didn't consider it might bother him, but maybe I should have.

"No, I don't mind." Good, I really want to see the ending. "Hope you like steak, I brought some back for dinner," he adds.

"Steak?" I turn around to watch him again, the jingle of a commercial breaking the show's suspenseful buildup.

"With baked potatoes and house salad." In the blink of an eye, the contents of the brown bag have been placed on plates and Levi brings them over.

Color Me Crimson | 𝘙𝘰𝘨𝘶𝘦 𝘝𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦Where stories live. Discover now