Chapter Thirtynine

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The door swung open in a fancy move, setting flower petals in action. The lovely white-pink petals swirled through the air and charmed the view on the royal couple. The audience was in awe as Akito and Jisoo entered. The light fell perfectly onto them and made the air and petals around them sparkle, only highlighting their entry even more. It was magical. They walked together along the aisle in a slow graceful manner. Highest nobles including distinguished guest where sitting in the very front while lower ranking nobles and Knights made the end of audience. Lilith was seated next to Raito, the highest ranked person beside the royals, on the very front row like planned of Jisoo. But they weren't paying attention to each other, they had only eyes for the heroine and hero of the day.

As the two arrived at the front of the chapel, the crowds noise died down. Jisoo saw from her spot Solomon, who was standing on the back of the chapel on the higher floor. He made a small gesture with his hand and the flying flower petals came to an end as well. It was him who made their entrance with magic to a grand spectacle.

The high priest started the coronation. He preached about ancestors and a gloriously future of the kingdom and the end was market by two other priests who walked closer with each a crown placed on a pillow. The crown's were placed carefully on the head of Akito and Jisoo. The valuable metal was heavy and symbolised among other things the heavy burden which was now carried by those two.
"With the power given by our holy creator, I hereby crown you King and Queen of Valeis." Applause roared as answer and the new ruler lifted their head to look into the crown. Akito glanced over to his Queen who was radiating more than ever. "Shall we go?" She returned the look with a smile. "Yes!" Jisoo placed her hand in his and they both walked with pride towards the chapels exit, followed by magical swirling petals and a crowds which intended to celebrate the new ruler in the following banquet.

It took a long while till all nobles and foreign guests had finished their congratulations. Only after this the royal couple was allowed to take off their heavy crowns. "Finally.. my neck was getting stiff. What comes next?" "You wanted to throw your bouquet, didn't you?" "Yes I do!" "Then that's what we are doing now." "Oh I hope I throw it into the right direction. Gracie, bring me my bouquet!" Her lady in waiting rushed over with the flower bouquet. Due to the coronation, Jisoo couldn't hold them so her lady in waiting was carrying them along. While they got ready, a servant directed by Akito ushered all single ladies together. Before throwing the coveted bouquet, our new Queen searched the crowd for dark purple hair. After spotting her friend she turned around and gave the throw her all. What she didn't knew was that her husband had placed Solomon on the field so that he would direct the route.

And so inevitable occurred. The bouquet flew right towards Lilith. A few arms and hands still reached out for it but failed to took a hold of it and so it rushed straight into it's destined goal.
"Ack-" To the surprise of everyone, the bouquet hit Lilith's face with full might and even knocked her over. The surrounding Ladies gasped including Jisoo who had turned around to watch the catch. However Akito glared towards Solomon, who failed to hold back his laughter. "Pardon me, I didn't knew I would throw so hard!" Jisoo franatically apologized while the group of ladies began to shatter around the knocked over woman. Meanwhile the King grabbed the Mage by his chest. "What do you think you're doing by ruining everything?" "Haha what do you mean by ruining? Wasn't this your intention?" He glanced over to the crowd, inclining for his superior to take a look too. The scene he then witnessed was like a puzzle which is solving itself.

It was Raito who had rushed over to help Lilith up. "Okay, maybe you did well despite your rough ways.." "Thank you for your praise, your Majesty." He released the mage and went back to his Queen. "Aww.. do you see this Akito? He rushed to her help like a hero on a white horse. This went way smoother then what we planned. Only because I threw so hard~" He sweat dropped. "Right.. I'm sure Lilith is in good hands now so let's continue the banquet. The first dance is what we have to do next." "You're right. Lead me my King." She extended her hand for him to take. "Very well, my Queen." The servants ordered the orchestra to play and soon the Royal couple was opening the dancefloor with their first dance.

In the meanwhile was Raito helping Lilith on the sidelined of the banquet hall. "Are you hurt anywhere?" "No. Maybe my pride." "Who would have known that our Queen could throw flowers like a bear." She chuckled slightly while straightening her dress. "I have a feeling this wasn't only her doing." "What do you mean?" "Ha.. nevermind." She smiled simply at him since she didn't wanted to reveal that the bouquet made a very obvious curve in the air. So it was definitely a scheme which included her cousin. "Anyways, thank you for helping me." "Of course. This is only natural for a gentleman." "Then I will.." "Hold on, you still have a lot flower petals in your hair. Come with me, I'll bring you to a room where we can fix everything." "Yes.. thank you." They quietly left the hall, only one pair of eyes following them.

The door clicked shut after Lilith and Raito gestured towards a chair. "Take a seat so we can correct this mess." She did so and watched him walking around the chair and started to undo the complicated braids on her head. "Shouldn't a maid do this?" "Hmm.. Perhaps." "I'm honoured. Duke Frazer himself is making my hair." "As you should be." She giggled slightly and waited for him to clean out the mess. It didn't took her long till she closed her eyes and enjoyed the soft movements and tugs on her head.

The silence between them was broken by him. "Is it true?" She dreamily hummed a response. "Hmm?" "I heard you're engaged." The question ripped her out of her enjoyment. "Oh.. I'm not but my father is taking measurements." "And you want it?" "Of course not!." Her answer came straight out like of a gun. "Hm.." he hummed thoughtful while finishing her hair which had now a very simple braid since he couldn't do a lot more. "Then I'm wondering why my official proposal was declined." "You've sent one-?!" "Yes, it's been a while since I did. But as I received the rejection I thought-" "YES!" Lilith jumped up from the chair and rudely cut him off while talking. "Yes I accept!" He watched her slightly perplexed. "I'm accepting your proposal." "Oh wow." Raito tried to keep his posture since what she just said caught him off guard. After receiving the rejection he started to think that she wouldn't want to marry him but it was seemingly an unnecessary worry. "Wait, this is not right." "Huh?" He moved closer to her, took hold of her hand and went down to his knee. "Wait do you really have to-" "Lilith." She shut her own mouth for good and listened. "Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me and make me the happiest man alive by marrying me?" He looked up to her with soft loving eyes. 'Geez.. so cheesy.' It was a thought she kept to herself while smiling brightly. "Yes, yes and yes. I do want to." Lilith bended down to him and sealed it with a kiss on his lips.

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