Chapter Fourteen

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It was already getting dark as Lilith crawled exhausted into her bed and whispered "I miss Jisoo.."
Solomon, who was still resting there, turned his head towards her. "Oh, we are playing this?" "I have no one with whom I could talk about my feelings." "Well.. I can listen but don't expect me to talk about mine. Because all I feel currently is pain." She snorted at his answer. "Let me give you an advice. If they really appreciate your work as Magican here, you should insist on being able to have your freedom." "Okay." She closed her eyes and began to drift off to sleep soon after.

As if her wishes had summoned her, the Ayers carriage stood the next morning with Jisoo inside in front of the palace gates. "I demand for you to let me inside! My friend is being held hostage there!" The gates didn't opened through this demand but a huge commotion was causes inside of the place with this. The mage girl noticed nothing of this since she slept longer. Eventually the news of Jisoo residing in front of the gates found the way up to Akito.

"She is doing what?" "Waiting till we open the gates. Before she wouldn't leave." Akito bit his lip. His lovable lady was so close and still out of reach for him. "Fine... Let her in. She can meet with her friend but keep her out of my sight." "As you wish, your Highness."

The gate were opened what made the girl cheer in success and shortly after she was brought by the butler to a sitting room. To the same time maids went to collect the magican, just that she was still sleeping. One of the maids knocked a few times but there was no answer. "Lady Lilith? I will enter now." The maid stepped in and called out again what made her finally wake up. It took her a moment to come to her sense, but as she noticed that the maid stood already in the middle of the room, Lilith hectically reached for the spot Solomon laid last evening. He was gone. A relieved sigh escaped her lips.

After a few minutes on getting ready they were finally reunited. "Lili!" "Jiji!" The girls jumped into each others arms for a tight hug. "How did you made inside? They wouldn't allow me any visitors the past days!" "I have my ways." Jisoo proudly flicked her hair back and both girls went to sit down with a laughter. "Now tell me why they keep you hostage here!" "I'm not hostage... I just have to make my job as palace Magican." "And what's so important to drag you away?" "I can't tell you." "Why?" "It's confidential." A pout came as answer, followed of a sigh. "Okay... Then something else. Where is Akito? Does he have someone new??" She nervously grabbed the mage at her shoulder, to afraid to hear the answer but still kept her patience to wait it out. "Eh.. I don't know. Since I'm here I have seen him only once." "And??" "There was no new woman. He just seems to be very busy." "Phew... Good. Then I need your help to find him now!" This was obviously a bad idea but Lilith had missed exactly this the past few days and she laughed again. "I don't know if I can bring you to him, but we can take a stroll through the Palace. We might encounter him~" she winked at her friend and they both got up for the tour through the palace.

As they walked through the palace and casually talked about the past few days they didn't noticed that a few attendance watched them in a disapproving manner.

The young Ladies stood currently at the big grand balcony of the Palace as two men walked up to them. It were the head butler and a Royal knight. "Pardon Ladies, but without permission it is not allowed for visitors to walk through the Palace." "I'm not a visitor, I'm the Palace Magican. Since when do I have to request permission to walk through the palace?" "But Lady Ayers is a visitor. I'm afraid you cannot lead her through the Palace." Lilith stepped protective in front of her as the Knight intended to step in. "What are you going to do against it?" "We have to remove her immediately." "I'm not allowing it." "Lady Arden-!" Both the knight and the butler were shocked in unison.

The spectacle between those four was easily watched from the office windows and so it didn't missed the Prince's eye. "Jisoo!" Raito lifted confused his head. "Pardon?" "Lady Jisoo and your Magican are arguing right now on the grand balcony with the head Butler!" "What?" He stepped next to Akito and looked outside too. "Can't you even keep your Magican in check? I ordered that I do not wish to see Lady Jisoo.. or I might get weak.." the last part of his sentence was a silent mumble. His aide gripped stressed into his hair. "Yes.. Yes I will take care of it." With a rush he left the office and Akito glanced one last time out of the window before helplessly trying to focus back onto work.

"Lady Arden, please get out of the way before we must use force." "Show me your force." Lilith raised one hand and a magical light started to emit. It took the knight only a short moment to reach for his sword and to draw it. Within another second he swung his sword down until it was stopped by a loud clang. A loud squeal echoed in the air while the magic on Lilith's hand shone more bright for a moment, only to then completely fade. The squeal came from Jisoo who was standing behind the mage. As the magical light was fully gone, the expected collision between them showed something unexpected.

Raito stood between them, in one hand his own sword with which he stopped the Knights swing and in his other hand he was tightly gripping around Lilith's wrist. The Knight immediately retreated and bowed to apologize " I-I apologize my Lord.." "Tsk.. leave." He directed the order towards the two men and they bowed their heads once again in shame and retreated inside the Palace. His sharp gaze fell now onto the two Ladies. Jisoo was close to tears since she felt like a small animal being watched by a predatory gaze. Lilith on the other hand stood her ground and stayed serious. "You." The fake prince eyed the two girls and finally let with a sigh go of the mages wrist. "Lady Jisoo, I'm afraid you have to leave the Palace now." "No! She is my guest." "But it's not on you to decide who is allowed to visit the palace." "So your fiance can not even stay here?" "She is distracting our work!" Again an argument enflamed which made Jisoo starting to feel uncomfortable. "Lili.. maybe I should just leave if his Highness is displeased with my presence.." the mage was defeated as even Jisoo agreed with it and nodded weakly.

Jisoo was led out of the palace and a short peace returned to the castles walls. The pronouncing was on short. "Now let me come to you." Raito had brought Lilith back to her room. But not to get he rout of his sigh but to scold her. She was simply standing there and crossing her arms. It felt as if she was treated with the utmost unfairness. "Just what has gotten into you? We allowing a guest for you and you take a tour through the palace as if was an amusement park?" "We are not some hostages you can lock into a room!" "No one is locking you-" Raito groaned. "You're acting rather disrespectful today." "Weren't you the one who wanted to become less formal with me?" "This was not what I meant-" "How should I know what you mean?" He grabbed onto her shoulders and glared at her. "You're totally indecisive. One day you're acting all charming, then you're threatening me into becoming the palace magican. And now you're... Like that." She gestured with her hands towards him since she had no words to describe his current attitude.

"You do know that you're making me incredible angry right know?" His face came closer but his glare wouldn't waver. "I do? Good, you're making me angry too." "You're not allowed to have guests anymore." "So I can socially wither like the prisoner I am?" "If you need someone to talk, you can talk to me." He was gritting his teeth by now and she retorted sarcastically to him. "Oh, that I can distract your work?" "You're already distracting me anyway!" "Good!" "Good!" Those two came to a sudden end of their heated argument. But not because they run out of things to throw at each others head but because the gap between them had closed and Raito pressed his lips on hers.

The kiss was rouge and full of heated confused emotions but nevertheless felt soft and warm. The only thing Lilith could hear was her blood rushing to her ears through her faster heartbeat. Soon the kiss became wilder and more needy as if the passion had hypnotised them both. Easily forgotten was the anger from a few minutes ago. Raito was dominating the kiss what made the mage stagger backwards but he easily caught a hold of her. As their lips parted through the changed position he instinctively moved with his lips to her neck but to his misfortune Lilith came back to her sense and pushed him away. "S-Stop!" Both had flushed cheeks and looked into each others eyes. This didn't happen just now, did it? Without any other words Raito fled from her room.

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