Chapter Twentysix

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"Jisoo calm down-" Akito calmed her down. "She is over there." He gestured towards the entrance of the hall where Lilith entered with the second Knight who accompanied them. She looked even more exhausted than the Prince. "Lili! I thought for a moment you were dead!" She flinched of the mentioning of 'dead' and her expression darkened. "I am fine.. But I really need rest." "I understand.." Jisoo held back her relief and urge to hug  her and let the mage go.

The commotion calmed quickly from this point on. Akito went to clean off the traces of the war and dressed in new clothes. After finishing he dropped into his sheets to take a rest as well. He knew he still had plenty of work to do but only a short nap was what he wanted. And so his eyes shut close.

As his eyes fluttered open again and they caught in something mint coloured. Jisoo was sitting next to his bed on a chair and was reading a book. She seemingly was patiently waiting for him to wake up. "An angel came to watch over my slumber?" She looked up after hearing his voice and blushed. "I'm not an angle.." "Then god wouldn't mind if I do this." He grabbed her hand and pulled her into bed with him. "Wha-" Jisoo was now laying loosely in his embrace. "I apologize for making you wait for so long." She looked shyly away from him so her eyes would land everywhere but on his chest which was visible through the half open buttonshirt. "It's okay.. You're really not hurt from the trip?" "Do I look hurt?" She shook her head. "Be reassured that I am fine. We had an excellent healer with us." He gave her a light kiss on the nosetip. "And seeing you is healing any emotional wound I could have suffered."

He flattered her too much again, but she liked it. "What do you mean with emotional wound?" "Ah.." He hesitated a brief moment and became serious "The sight wasn't very pleasant. And.. I had to witness someone's death." Jisoo was slightly afraid to ask. "Who?" Akito pressed his lips together and the pause became longer. He was trying to think of how to best say it or to keep it a secret like he intended. But he couldn't keep any new secret from her. "Duke Frazer." She gasped. "Your father died?!" "Yes.. a dragon struck him as he protected Lady Lilith and there was no hope anymore.." Now she covered her face in shock.

"You must feel horrible- But what now? Do you have to become the Duke?" "I have accepted it. And it's not that easy. It must stay a secret that the Duke died since I can't take the title." "Oh.." She nodded understanding along. There must be a tricky reason for it. "I won't tell any soul."

One day later Lilith finally came out of her room again. Since she returned from the trip, she was only resting in her room and no one was allowed to enter. Early in the morning she agreed to have brunch together with Jisoo. The girls were sitting in the grand balcony with their meals laid out on a table. Lilith still had despite all her rest slight shadows below her eyes. The things she saw during this experience gnawed at her but it felt relieving to be able to share it. And so Lilith explained Jisoo all she saw and did. After spilling her heart off it was on her friends turn to tell of the boring time she had during their absence.

To the same time a council meeting was held. Attending were Raito as the fake Prince and Akito in the role as the young Duke Frazer who took the place of the military leader.
Influencing families were presented by their head like Marquis Peres, Marquis Ayers or Viscount Mcellion. On the other side of the long table sat the ministers for agriculture, health and education. Duke Meron, Viscount Heisman and Count Rue Kaldorf. Akito was nervous that Raito would say anything out of their plan. But then again they couldn't plan anything since he was skipping their meeting in the evening before. But as long as he was viewed as a 'Frazer', he couldn't lead the meeting. He had to trust that his aide had some sense left

The beginning of the meeting went after protocol and the basic topics were discussed. Nothing to be worried over yet. Until the topic of the dimensional rift came up. The fake aide felt save for the moment since he could report without any troubles about it. The report was detailed enough so that no one should have any objections or questions. Only the information about the Dukes death was left out. But it had to come differently.
"...and this sums everything up. Any questions?" "Yes." Duke Meron lifted his hand calmly. "Where is Duke Frazer? Why isn't his Grace reporting this as a council member?" The question hit Akito where it hurt but he didn't showed any signs of discomfort. Raito on the other hand was raising his eyebrow at the disguised Prince since he was having the same question in mind. "His Grace is still taking aftercare measures and will return to the capital as soon as he has finished." "What measures require his presence?" Where everyone else was satisfied with the answer, there Duke Meron had to keep asking. "His Grace is still there since immediate actions and commands are needed." "So he won't return until further notice?" "Correct." With a nod an an unreadable expression the minister signaled that all his questions were answered. Akito exhaled relieved. The meeting was wrapped up smoothly and everyone left the palace besides the two young men who resided there.

They still sat alone together at the roundtable and sorted a few documents in silent until Akito spoke broke it. "Thank you for leading the council meeting thoughtfully." Raito stopped and looked up from the paper stack. "I know you're thinking I have lost my mind, but I have not." "Are you sure? Every time I walk into you with Lady Saiyumi at you side you're seem to have lost all rationality." The prince teased him a bit with a smirk." "I am sure. It's just that.. with her by my side I feel something so intense.. I think I understand you now better with your feelings towards Lady Jisoo." He listened attentive to what Raito had to say and thought about his words. 'Does he love her the same way I love Jisoo?' If this really was the case he couldn't interfere. Of course Akito wished for his cousins luck too. "I see. In this case I won't meddle into your love affair anymore." "I appreciate it." Raito looked relieved.

"There is still something I need your help with." "Yes?" "Since your father is still at the border.. I'd need you to bring me the Frazer seal. I'll command the army in case of the need during his absence." His aide looked displeased. "I'm afraid I cannot bring you the Frazer seal." "Not even if you'd oppose an imperial order?" The air became intense for a moment but Raito stood calmly his ground. "Pardon your Highness, but the Frazer seal has to stay within Frazer family. I can't even give it to the imperial family. But if you're really afraid of an ambush during my father's absence, I'll keep the seal and act on your command." "This will do as well." Aktio approved with a nod and they left the meeting room.

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