Chapter Twentyfive

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Jisoo just returned to her room after having afternoon tea with his Majesty. Her aura was tension during it what the King didn't seem to notice. She already felt nervous ever since she received the invitation to share tea but sitting together made it only worse so she was relived it was over. She hasn't seen the King often before. Only one twice to be exact. The first time was as she was a small child and a celebration took place and the second time was during his last birthday banquet where he showed his face. She could definitely tell that he had aged strongly during the years. His hair was white, the face wrinkled and he radiated an image of a man who had the best years behind him. Nevertheless his appearance, he was still the King and the one who chose Jisoo as the fiance of his son. And this made her uncomfortable since she was seeing someone else as so called prince.

To her luck the tea time wasn't to warn her for the recent actions but to simply enjoy the day and see his 'daugther-in-law'. But she learned something today. The King himself admitted to her that he was only the King in name. He wanted to retire for a while since the Crown Prince was taking care of all affairs by now. He only delayed the power exchange because his son asked him to wait. 'The youngsters working on a way to strengthen the crown' is what his Majesty said with a laugh you would see from a old man who is enjoying watching youth. Getting to know the King on this way made Jisoo less tension about breaking the engagement. She knew he wouldn't be mad since he seemed like a generous King.

The sun was setting as Jisoo returned to her room. She strode calmly to her mirror and took off her accessories. While watching her mirroring she suddenly saw something moving through the mirror in the back of her room. "Who's there-" She spun around, her posture showing she was on guard. "It's me, lovely lady~" Purple eyes were sparking out of the shadow and soon Solomon was walking towards her with a bright smile. "You!" "Me~" "How dare you're just appearing out of nowhere!" The girl reached for a close purse and threw it towards him in anger. "Oh my~ What did I do to anger your Ladyship?" He was chuckling and catching the purse. "You still have to ask this? As I asked for your help you just disappeared and never came back to me!" "Ah right, I remember. But everything turned out well, didn't it? You're staying at the Palace now~" Solomon placed the purse down and walked closer to Jiso. "You're unbelievable! And don't give me that grin of yours!" "You're hurting my feelings, this is how my face looks like." He over dramatically sighed and dropped the smile accordingly.

Jiso was clearly irritated by him. Why had he to appear out of nowhere. It bothered her a huge deal that he was sneakily entering the Palace, now that she had to keep watch for Akito."What do you want from me?" "I was hoping you could tell me where Lilith is. She doesn't seem to be in her room and I also can't feel her within my reach." Of course he would ask for her. Lilith mentioned before that he was acting like a watchdog sent by her father.

"She left the Palace." Jisoo crossed her arms. "Oh? Where to?" "To the borders. She has to repair some kind of crack." Solomon's eyes widened. "The dimensional rift?" "Yes, exactly this." He staggered backwards, the shock in his eyes deepening as if he just heard about someone's death. His reaction made her suddenly feel insecure. "Wh-what..? This isn't something dangerous, is it? She only has to do some magic, right?" Solomon began to laugh again. But his laugh wasn't sincere, his face looked terrified what frightened her. "Haha.. I was naive. I should have expected them to send her."  The mage was talking to himself and as soon as his laugh began, as fast did it stop. "Stop scaring me! They will be fine!" But her confident statement found no approval. The mirror on her wall suddenly cracked as if to deliver a bad omen. They both shot their head into its directs as they heard the cracking sound. Jisoo's face lost every colour and Solomon looked more emotional that he had ever show himself to her. Without any further word he vanished and left Jisoo with her fear alone.

The following days were silent. Too silent. Solomon didn't returned a single time and Jisoo's fear grow with each passing day. She couldn't focus on keeping Saiyumi in check but to her luck she didn't do a lot beside seducing the Crown Prince. Neither have they tried to send of guards a second time.

It was the 7th day already since they were gone and Jisoo sat nearby the garden pond and watched Raito and Saiyumi sitting on the opposite of the pond, enjoying tea together. They were aware ob being watched by her since she kept watching them the last seven days. Jisoo sat on the ground and played with the grass while being in thought. On the first day's Saiyumi would have mocked her for not behaving lady like. However none of them said anything since they simply ignored her. Which was convenient for Jisoo.

The silence of the garden was soon interrupted by a few patroling guards rushing into the palace. 'Something is up.' But the two lovebirds weren't involved. Nevertheless she wanted to check on the situation and got up from the grass. After stroking her dress back into order Jisoo headed after the royal Knights.

She was greeted by a tumult of knights and servants and everyone was rushing around in a hectic. "What's going on?" Everyone was to busy to answer her question. But then she saw the reason in the center of the commotion. Uniformed figures which were covered in mud and dried blood. Akito had returned. He looked exhausted but fine as he was talking to some Knights. The joy which build up in her was limitless and she hurried past the servants and into his arm. "Akito!" She threw herself on him despite his clothes being a dirty mess. "Jisoo- hold on-" He laughed but didn't hesitated to catch her and squeezed her tightly. "I'm so glad you're back! I was so worried you might be in danger!" "I'm sorry for worrying you." He leaned down to kiss her forehead but she had suddenly other thoughts and pushed him away. "Where is Lilith?!"

Jisoo glanced past him and only saw one other Knight who had departed with them. Panic came up as she thought back to the broken mirror which carried an ominous bad omen. "Where is she?" "Jisoo calm down-"

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