Chapter Thirtythree

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"Do you have to scare him off like that?" Lilith turned to face her cousin but he was now grinning innocently at her. "What do you mean? He's busy." She sighed and stepped further away from him. "I undid the curse on young Duke Frazer like you told me to. But.. I had to flee before I could explain him anything." She formed an almost not visible pout and added in a mumble "..not as if you had explained me anything..." Solomon was grinning almost pleased. "Don't worry about that. Before I came here I took a peek into the Palace and everything is going smoothly." "This is good to hear." "I'm just wondering right now..." He paused and turned his head to look at her from another perspective. "Did it really took you all night to free him from the curse?" "Hm? No, I'm not that incompetent." "Oh, good." With a shrug he turned away from her. It had completely slipped her mind that Solomon could easily track her location as long as she wore the necklace of him.

"So what are we doing next? We can't take upon them with all their magical tools." Her question was genuine. "I know. That's why I went home." "You told father!?" "Of course not." Solomon was looking out of the window while continuing to speak. "I went to the library to check on the forbidden books." "I see." These books weren't actually forbidden, just locked away from the outside world. As part of the Arden family they both could read them. They simply contained magical spells no mage would cast on their free will. They were powerful but every spell took a sacrifice. And these sacrifices were often bigger as the use of the spell. The most known spell example Lilith learned through her studies was the revival spell. To revive one life, ten had to be taken, including the spellcasters life. Of course in the wrong hands such spells could cause troubles, therefore the books had been kept away by her anchestors for generation.

"I don't think using a spell from that book would do any good. It will only cause more harm." "You say this because you've never read them." He turned to look at her with an incredibly determined gaze. It was true, she had never read them all. Her ambitions were always to righteous to ever cause any harm for some scrap of benefit. But Solomon was clearly different. "There is one spell which will be of our advantage in this situation. The sacrifice is minimalistic." "And what might this be?" He reached into a pocket and held out a note instead of explaining it. Lilith took the paper and analyzed the contents. It was a spell which could destroy any surrounding inhuman magic within a large radius. It was indeed very useful since they used a large amount of magical items which basically existed of only inhumane energy. Every effect of them would be canceled immediately without harming nearby mages. "Incredible. It's not even complicated." "Flip the site." She did as told and her rising excitement got pushed again. The sacrifice was "..the ability to use magic."

"Exactly. And since I was the one who caused all this dilemma.. I will take responsibility and cast it." He snatched the note away again and stuffed it back into his pants. "You can't cast it." "Why not?" "My father made you the heir. You can't take over the marquisate and our family business if you can't wield magic anymore." Solomon huffed sarcastically. "Oh noo. I suppose his lovely daughter has to take over then." "Uncle won't be pleased either." "I don't care." The air became tense between the two young mages. "I will do it and that's the end of the conversation. Or are you forbidding me to repent for my sin?" She pressed her lips together. "No.. fine." "Great. Prepare yourself. I'll come and fetch you when we start." He teleported away in an instant.

Things were moving fast at the Palace. After ascending to the throne, Sevan Meron ordered huge changes to be put into action. Part of it was the execution of all prisoners. "Prepare a huge display and hang their heads at the palace gates. I want to make an example for all those who dare to defy me." His orders were absolute and everything was prepared to his wishes. But he didn't knew that one of his paws was acting out. Saiyumi had secretly taken possession of the Frazer seal for her own selfish desire. It was barely noon as she showed the sealed ring triumphant to her Prince.

"Here darling, I've got that thing. Hurry up and get me my gift." "Of course, dear." Raito took it from her hand and tried to seem indifferent about it. "Oh. I almost forgot, his Majesty said we will execute the prisoners today. Make sure you're there to escort me, I don't take any excuses." "I understand.." She left once again without paying any more interest into him. Raito breathed heavy. He knew that Akito and Jisoo were still in the dungeons so he had to stop the execution. But he alone wasn't able to.

For a pretty long while he just sat in his room and examined the seal. He often saw his father wearing the ring but never paid to close attention to it. It was a thick piece of worthy metal whose top was shaped with the family crest. It was used to stamp official documents and letters and looked accordingly to it's use slightly worn out. He slid the finger onto the pointing finger of his left had. It fitted as if it was made for him. A sudden sentiment washed over him and his feet were leading him into the dungeons without noticing it. Before he knew it, he stood in front of Akito's cell and called out to him.

"Akito." The Prince opened his eyes. He had eye bags like Jisoo who was sitting in a corner of her cell as well. "Raito.." he stood weakly up and walked towards his cousin so they were facing each other through the bars. "Is it really you?" It wasn't a suprise that he was doubted. "Yes it's me. I'm so sorry Akito.. This is all my fault.." "No it's not." Raito was about to fall into self pity and grief but Akito didn't showed any anger or resentment. In fact, Akito looked very sure of it, that none of it was his fault. Before he could apologize more, the blonde spoke again. "We already know who is at fault. Don't blame yourself. After solving everything I'll make sure to punish him." A weak smile graced his lips. "Of course you'll have to take care of the formalities for me." Raito couldn't believe he was still in the mood to make jokes. "I'm just glad you're back to your sense." "Yes, me too. It was like a nightmare."

"Where is Lili?" Now Jisoo interfered. Both men turned their head to her. "I don't know.." "I see." She nodded without asking further. She knew that no matter where she was, her friend was preparing to rescue them. Just seeing that the young Duke was back to his sense gave her all the faith needed. The silence between these three was broke by approaching guards. "What now?" "I should leave. I promise I'll get you out of here." Raito was giving them a last glance before leaving into another direction as the Knights were coming from.

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