Chapter Thirtytwo

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It was early morning as Lilith's eyes fluttered open. Barely past dawn after her assumption. An heavy arm was wrapped around her and she carefully turned to look at the arms owner. Raito was still sleeping soundly. What happened the night before still felt like a dream to her. She sighed contently and closed her eyes again but reality was jerking her back way too soon. Voices from outside the room made her sit straight up and the memory came back to her. The palace was conquered by traitors of the Kingdom and her own life was on the line if she was gotten caught again. Lilith still hadn't told Raito about any strategy and wouldn't be able to do it anymore. She jumped out of bed, shaking him awake in the move, and grabbed her dress. The first thing Raito saw as his eyes opened were her fading away.

One moment later the door to his room bursted open. "Raito, my Prince!" Saiyumi was entering spectacularly as if she would enter a grand stage and the maids hurried worried after her. None of them dared to stop her but they still felt guilty. Raito was perplexed and pulled instinctively his blanket higher. "Get up, we have to plan our wedding now since all hurdles are out of the way." He remembered her talking about a wedding during the time of being brainwashed. "Yes.." Agreeing and playing along was now the smartest choice or she would use the terrifying curse on him again. And he wanted to avoid this at any cost now that he was freed from it. "You have to get fitted into a tuxedo and I want a painter to draw a portrait from you. And after that I want you to hire my favourite orchestra. I don't want to travel so far for it but you have plenty of time." She casually counted down what he must do without asking for his opinion or using the words please or thanks. She was bridezilla.

Raito had to come up with an excuse, which didn't seemed suspicions, so he could get out of her tasks and a marriage he didn't wanted. Saiyumi kept rambling about what she wanted and he had to do, while he was thinking without paying any attention to her. As she finished and looked expectant over to him, he faked the most genuine smile which was able to come up. "My dear.. Will there also be free time for me to prepare a gift for you?" She gasped as if she had forgotten about it. "Of course you must prepare a gift for me!" "I shall prepare it first." "Yes! Tell me what you will gift me." Raito considered what to say. "I will conquer a Kingdom for you and name if after you." She squeeled out in excitement. "Yes, Yes!! I already love it! Go and send your army so it will be conquered until the wedding!" Her greed for power was insatiable but it came to his advantage. "My army.. I'm afraid the Royal Knights won't be enough. I'm sorry dear.." He was pretending to be in a dilemma to fool her into his trap. "Just send the military! Our new King surely wouldn't mind." "How?" "You can forge an command with the Frazer seal. King Sevan had a spy steal it from their estate. That's also the reason why no one is coming to fight our hired soldiers."

He knew it. Raito knew that the stolen seal must have something to do with this plot. He had to get his hands back on it. "If his Majesty would lend me the seal.. I will conquer the country for you right away." "Fabulous! I'll bring you that thing so hurry up and get ready." She left the room and the door slammed shut. Raito groaned while flopping back into his pillow. This was almost to easy. Maybe she wasn't such a foxy person after all and just a pawn herself. But it still left one question open 'Why always me?'

Lilith materialized into her room at the Ayers residence. She dropped with a sigh to her knees and was still squeezing the dress in her arms. This was a short call. After exhaling with relieve, she started to fiddle on her dress to finally put on some layers fabric, until she noticed she wasn't alone in the room. "..Lady Lilith!?" "Ah!" Rosalie, Jisoo's maid, was standing in the room with a feather duster and stared in disbelief toward her. The mage quickly covered her body again. "Pardon my rudeness! I'll clean another time!" She was about to rush out but Lilith called after her. "Wait Rosalie! Can you prepare a bath for me?" "Of course, my Lady." She bowed and hurried off into the bathroom. A few minutes later she came out again. "Everything is prepared. I shall take my leave." Again Lilith sighed and went to refresh herself.

After finishing the bath and getting dressed, another maid came and took care of Lilith's still damp hair. In the silence she was mentally preparing for the next step. Solomon would surely soon come and tell her what would be the next step. She deeply hoped that everything would turn out well and the tables could really be flipped. With so much manipulation going on, it will be hard to take the upper hand. Healing a single person took already great enough effort, but healing an entire palace? Impossible in auch a short time. Especially if the servants wore the manipulating item all the time. The curse would return soon after getting rid of it.

"Lilith, you're here." She opened her eyes and turned her head. The maid had finished with her hair and turned away as well. Jincheol was standing at the open door and glancing cautiously inside. "You may leave." After dismissing the maid, Lilith stood up from her chair. "I heard from Rosalie that you're here. And also.." He stepped into the room and closed the door. The girl suddenly felt the air tensing up 'What else? Don't tell me she told him I've lost my dignity?!' "..I've also heard about what happened at the Palace. Duke Meron performed a coup and his Majesty lost his life.." 'Oh.' it wasn't her expectation to hear that the news had already reached noble houses merely one day later. But the most shocking news about his account was the King's death. She didn't knew of it yet so her face grew slightly pale. Jin noticed her shock.

"I didn't know.. I escaped only this morning." He nodded and came closer in an attempt to comfort her. "What about... My sister?" "She is imprisoned in the dungeons together with the Crown Prince." He flinched. " they will..." His expression went dark and didn't dared to finish the sentence. "Lilith please.. you have to rescue her. I know you can do that." His previously comforting touch became a tight grip. "No I can't... I have to wait for instructions." "What do you mean instructions? I beg you, rescue my sister!" The desperation in his eyes were clear and he clinged onto her like onto a lifeline, so that it started hurting. "Jin.."

"Hey, let go of her." Jincheol's hand got roughly pushed backwards and Lilith was pulled against the broad chest of Solomon. As always he had entered unnoticed. "Don't you dare to touch her so rough." Jin's eyes widened as he noticed what he had done. "I apologize... My emotions were getting the worst of me." "It's okay. I can understand you. I'm worried as well." The girl cooled the situation down. But Jin now pressed his lips together. It was clear that questions were lingering on them but the serious gaze of Solomon bore deep into Jin so that he couldn't muster up the courage to ask anything. It was like a predator protecting it's cub. "I.. have something else to attend to. Please excuse me." Quickly he was gone, leaving the mages alone behind.

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