Chapter Sixteen

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This chapter contains some scenes which might be upsetting for some readers.

Akito saw how Saiyumi Peres left an small side balcony all on her own. His cousin was no where to be seen so he waited till the suspicions lady was out of view as he stepped out onto the balcony as well. To his relieve he really saw him standing there. "There you are!" He walked further out onto the balcony next to him and began to scold him. "Why were you outside alone with that woman? I told you to stay with Jisoo." "That woman?" Confusion was displayed in Raito's face what made the prince confused as well. "Huh?" "What? Weren't you just alone here with lady Peres?" "Oh. Yes it seems I was." "What's wrong with you?" "Nothing. Please refrain from using the term 'that woman' for her." The aide was about to return to the banquet hall but his superior stepped into his way. "Won't you tell me what just happened between you and Lady Peres?" "I.. can't remember. But I know that I want to make her mine." "??" "I'm absolutely sure that I want to marry her." "Did you hit your head??" Akito couldn't believe what he just heard. "You're joking, right? I'm pretty sure the last time she visited the palace unannounced you were still wary of her and now that?" "It was before I got to know her. I must immediately propose to her." Again he was about to rush off into the hall but got hold back by his arm. "No you won't! You're the 'crown prince'! You will just destroy all our plans if you propose while being me!"

The world really stood upside down. Not only was Raito suddenly incredible fascinated by a women, no, he even felt the urge to let his feeling free hand on the cost of their long term goals. "Listen, I don't know how she seduced you in such a short talk, but you won't do anything stupid and stick to the plan for today, understood?" Raito frowned. Something about his condition didn't seemed right to the Prince. "Forget it.. return to your room. We will talk tomorrow." "Yes.." They both went back inside and Akito made sure a Butler was leading him back to his room. He wanted to question Saiyumi about his weird condition but the Lady was no where to be found anymore. The bad feeling he felt previously only worsened so that he couldn't enjoy the rest of the banquet and called it a day as well.

The day after the birthday banquet was peacefully. Lilith was able to finally return to the Ayers residence. She, Jisoo and her brother Jincheol were having brunch while chatting lively. "Too bad the evening had to end so early.. I haven't seen Akito the rest of the evening after our dance ended.." "I suppose he is a true workaholic." The mage girl was eating one of her favourite croissants and watched Jisoo exaggerating with her sighs. "What did he said he would do? And when will you meet again?" "Just that it will be soon.. Also I'm not sure about work. He was just looking for the crown prince." With a gasp she interrupted herself. "What if he was looking for the prince to help me to break off the engagement??" Her brother coughed in a sudden shock of this news. "Break off your engagement?? If father will find out!" "Oh don't worry, I'll just marry the young Duke Frazer instead and become Duchess~" "I'm not sure if this makes it better." Jin sweat dropped while Lilith tried to ease his worries. "Don't worry about it too much. The last days I was able to see that he is actually a person who takes his responsibilities very serious. In fact.. he worked a lot." "Too much!" Jisoo interrupted her. "Too muuuuch!!" Lili and Jin laughed from her pouty exclamation and finished their brunch peacefully.

The girls decided later to go shopping for more dresses. It's been too long since they last went out together. Usually they would visit the popular Peres store, but since the recent incidents with Saiyumi they decided to stop by another well visited boutique. Lilith currently tried on some dresses as Jisoo sat on a couch and waited for her presentation. She was chewing on an offered cookie and watched people passing the large exhibition window of the store, as a familiar person caught her attention. She would recognise those handsome features everywhere, even with a hood over his head. But what was he doing there? He passed the store rather fast so that Jisoo jumped up from her seat to have a better look after him. Curiosity got her, she wanted to walk after him. The girl glanced towards the dressing room where her friend was still being busy. "Sorry Lili, I'm sure you understand." And with that she rushed out and after the hooded handsome man.

Jisoo saw in which direction he went but lost sight of him so she went into a direction she assumed he went. After passing around a corner she saw the back of the hood again and that he was now entering a small back alley. This got even more suspicions. Is that his kind of work?

Without much hesitation she followed but held herself hidden. What the girl saw was a group of more or less hooded men standing in the most shady place in this back alley. They talked in low voices so she couldn't hear a word of them. Since everyone was wearing a hood, it was difficult to say who the original target was. A disappointed sigh escaped her lips and she sat down behind the barrel which was chosen and hideout. Unfortunately she missed out a closer coming figure. "Hey Missy, what are ya doin' here? That's not a place to play around." "Aah-!" Jisoo let out a yelp as the dark clothed guy pulled her by her arm towards him. "Oh, what did I got here? You're a pretty decent lad. Wanna have some fun with me?" "Let go of me!" He was still holding tightly onto her arm while she helplessly tried to free her arm but without any success. The man was digging his fingers so hard into her arm to keep her in place that it will probably leave marks. And as if the pain her arm felt wasn't enough, the guy even reeked unpleasantly. "Come here Missy~" "Ugh.. I told you to let go!!" Now she started smaking him with her free hand but he swiftly caught hold of her hand and forced her against a wall. "Don't be like that, I'll make sure you'll enjoy it too~"
He pressed his knee between her legs what made the mint girl tremble in fear. She glanced into the direction where the group of men was standing barely 5 minutes ago in the hope of help but they were all gone. The seriousness of the situation hit her gravely and tears started to spill down. "You have such a nice build, I like cute girls like you~" "N-no.."

The scroudel gasped and froze, followed by a deep warning voice which wasn't his. "She said no. What part did you not understand?"

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