Chapter Thirteen

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It was a big surprise that the King had already awoken from his unconscious state, way faster as from Lilith expect. After calling for the doctor she was forbidden to enter his chambers for the time being. A lot to her annoyance. 'Am I just a stupid tool who gets discarded after fulfilling its use? A tool like.."
She glanced onto the still brightly colored mana stone in her hands. It was for her only a tool in this moment too. A tool to regain energy and will be thrown away afterwards too. And to annoy her even more, the stone had to have the same bright blue colour like the Prince's eyes. "Tch." With one go she drained the entire energy out of the crystal to make it dull and grey and tossed it to the side.

"What made you so upset?" Lilith turned on her seat to see that her cousin had materialized himself close to the window. "Solomon!" "Sorry I'm back so late, but I had business to attend to." He picked up the dull crystal and eyed it shortly before stepping closer. "I hope this business wasn't snooping in the Palace." He chuckled. "Don't worry. I just filled my bank accounts." She sighed and leaned back into her seat. Solomon walked around the couch and took a seat on the opposite of her. "You know, I'm exceptionally happy to see you today. They wouldn't allow me to go out or invite anyone. And I can't talk with anyone because they are all busy!" "Just say a word and I bring you outside." "Ha! I treasure my life too much as to oppose the royals." "But what if you're being kidnapped?" He shot her a wink which only bounced off on her pokerface.

"How's Jisoo?" "This is a good question." "Y-you haven't seen her recently?" "Nope, I was doing business as I already told you." He relaxed back in his seat with a heavy sigh and put his feet onto the table in the middle as if it was the most natural thing to do. "Very dangerous business at that. Might have died if I wasn't such a great magican." Lilith was loss for words.
"Do you maybe have some refreshments or snacks? I think I haven't ate the past two days." The level of ridiculousness raised with everything he said.

"You're unbelievable sometimes! Just what's going on in your head!" "Okay no snacks.. Just let me hide for a while." She rose form her chair with a furry and wanted to smack him. Lilith mentally took back that she was happy to see him. It made her only add more on her annoyance scale so and stepped around the table and closer to him so she could literally punch off her anger. It was then that she noticed a metallic smell which made her stagger. It took her a few moment to understand where that smell was coming from and she hurriedly grabbed for Solomon's blazer and ripped it open. Hidden underneath it was a critical looking wound. She gasped in shock while Solomon was only opening his eyes and indifferently looking at her.

"Dangerous business my ass!" She dropped down to her knees and quickly ripped his blood stained shirt open, then observed the wound before starting to treat it. A lot of questions came to her mind like 'Why didn't you heal yourself? How did it happen? And why are you playing it off like that?'
But these had time for later. A solemn laugh came from him. "Ha.. stripping a man off like that.. How unbridled." "Shut your mouth!" She was angry for his stupid comments and angry at herself for not noticing this earlier. But this anger faded fast as she noticed that the wound wasn't caused by an ordinary weapons but by an magical one. This was the reason he couldn't heal himself.

With a sudden cough her cousin coughed up blood. "Ugh.. you're using too much mana... The wound can't be healed so fast.." "I-Im sorry-" Panic overcame her and she used less energy till her efforts showed an effect and he finally relaxed more. "This is enough. I only need rest now." As per instruction, Lilith stopped and eyed the wound one more time before looking up to his face. He still had an indifferent expression but looked suddenly a lot more exhausted. Or was it only her imagination? Now was the moment where all the questions barged back into her focus but she only asked one word. "Why?" The question was met with silence and he reached out to ruffle her bangs. She remained silent and patiently waited for an explanation while still resting her blood stained hands on his lap.

"If I couldn't trust my family, whom could I ever trust?" This answer was unexpected for her. Never would she have imagined that he relays such a trust into her when she wasn't even trusting him. She still didn't know how it happened but didn't wanted to know anymore. The fact that he trusted her made her feel good enough so that she decided to trust him in this one too. "I'll clean off the dried blood from you. And you can use my bed to rest. I'll make sure no one enters my room." With these words she went to work and after finishing the mage girl left the room and made sure in a not suspicions way that no would enter anymore.

After a long day of healing people, Lilith took a breather in the palace garden. A wallpaper change was what she needed after all those stressful emotions. She was wandering along a path with rose bushes as person walked up to her from the opposite direction. It was Raito. That was exactly what was missing today, an encounter with him. The mage stopped in her tracks and made a courtesy bow. "Greetings, Sir Raito." "Here you are. Greetings Lady Lilith." 'He was looking for me?' "I received the news that his Majesty has awoken." "Ah.. yes. How is his condition?" "He is well considering the circumstances. This is all thanks to your effort. I hope the remaining healing progress will be smooth too." "There is no need to thank me, I'm merely doing my duty." She humbly bowed again.

"There is another thing.." Raito hesitated. "Why are you acting so formal towards me?" "Pardon? I don't understand. You're the Prince so it's only natural." Right, the 'crown prince'. "Then I want us to become less formal." "Pardon..?" Lilith was confused and became overwhelmed as he suddenly grabbed her hand. "Lilith.. since we met last time I couldn't stop thinking about you. This is concerning me to the point of thinking you casted a spell on me." "Eh.?" In his gaze was something unidentifiable which concerned Lilith now. "I haven't done such a thing.. But you should stop thinking about me. You're engaged." She tried to release her hand but the Prince only grabbed her second hand to stop her freeing attempt. "This doesn't play a role right now." "Then what does play a role?" "What you're doing to me." "I told you I'm not doing anything!" If she really did nothing, it was only more questionable for him as for why he thought about her so much. This was far beyond mere curiosity.

"Raito.." Lilith voice suddenly sounded very weak and he noticed that he began to squeeze her hands. Quickly he let go before he started to cause her more discomfort. "I apologize. It seems I'm too stressed, please excuse me." With a hurry Raito left.

Meanwhile at the Ayers residence...
Jisoo: "Why am I not plot relevant! Don't forget me!"

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