Chapter 4- Fun 2 Nite

Start from the beginning

I loved this song.

Being slightly tipsy, I started singing the lyrics to the song and swaying my hips in time to the beat.

"Oh oh, girl

As long as I've been givin' my love to you

You should be givin' me your love, too

But you just keep on actin' just like a fool

You know it ain't cool

Uh don't be cruel

'Cause I would never be that cruel to you"

The guys looked at me amazed, yet amused.

"I didn't know you could sing !" K-Ci said.

"Yeah, I sang in the youth choir at my church back home when I was a kid. Now I just sing in the shower," I said shrugging feeling as though I was spilling unnecessary information.

"That's what's up. Maybe we can sing a duet or something," K-Ci said throwing his arm around my shoulder and staring me dead in the face. I could smell the liquor coming off his breath.

I shrugged out from under his arm and patted him on the head giving him a warning to behave.

Dalvin, Devante', and JoJo laughed.

"I only sing for fun," I said shooting down his idea.

We made our way to the V.I.P. section upstairs and got in our section overlooking the entire club.

"What's up, guys!" I heard someone yell as I took a seat on the velvety couch.

It was Heavy D.

"What's up man, It's good to see you," K-Ci said as they all slapped hands with Heavy D.

"This is our homie, Brielle Woods, she helped us out with our new music video," He said drawing attention to me.

Heavy D looked me up and down and licked his lips.

"Hey beautiful, I know who you are. I've been hearing great things about you in the industry. You know word travels fast around here," he said taking my left hand and planting a kiss on it.

"Aww, thank you. I'm glad it was all good things," I said causing him to chuckle as he continued to basically eye fuck me.

I started getting uncomfortable from the way he was looking at me.

Thankfully a waitress came around at that moment and offered a tray of shots.

I gladly took two of the shots and leaned back on the couch happy for the distraction.

K-Ci, JoJo, and Dalvin were standing around Heavy D deep in conversation once again.

Devante' was seated an arm's length away from me tossing back shots that he had just taken off of the tray as well.

The waitress was standing in front of him giggling at something that he'd just said to her. She then bent down and whispered something in his ear.

I rolled my eyes.

Females these days are definitely thirsty.

Taking in the scene, I spotted a few familiar faces in the crowd. Everyone was definitely having a good time. I saw bottles being thrown back and blunts being passed around everywhere.

That reminded me of the blunt that I had tucked away in my clutch purse. I had rolled it before getting in the shower earlier.

At this point, I was drunk and just vibing.

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