Random Jason Voorhees Headcanon and fun facts!

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I wanted to randomly make a Headcanon for Jason. . . Why did I do it?

I dunno.

Do I regret it?


Is it strange to write this?


Will some horror fans agree that this was a good idea?


If you guys want more slasher Headcanon's let me know and comment who's next. 😂🔪


Jason Voorhees Headcanon

Jason Voorhees Headcanon

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SFW part 👇

° I'm just gonna say it, or write it. The big man likes cuddles, although he's kind of afraid of breaking you?

° Yes, he loves hugging you and feeling how warm you are considering he's basically a walking ice cube all the time since he's a undead corpse, (even though I like to imagine the Jason Voorhees version from the Friday the 13th reboot Derek Mears Jason Voorhees), but he gets a little scared when you squeak or exhale sharply when he hugs you cause he doesn't want to accidentally crush your ribs resulting in your death.

°Jason is a great hugger though, although he's pretty cold and strong as H-E double hockey sticks.

° He's generally not a very soft dude physically but is pretty much a great mattress since he's a big dude and always pets your head when you lay on him.

° You the reader remind him of a cat and he loves CATS

° Well, he loves cats but he likes smaller dogs more. If you're more energetic and hyper you're more of a very cute chihuahua (or what I call a Chuweenee) but if you're more quiet then he's going to associate you with a cat and WILL pet you either way. you will be petted.

No butts, no nuts, no coconuts.


° Like the idea of a domestic, although slightly nuclear family although he knows it's not fully possible. He loves having someone at home for him to kiss his masked/unmasked cheek and likes to help out with trivial things such as baking or cleaning, although he does most of the chores when you get home since he'd much rather have you spend all of the time doing chores or work with him

° OH!! He also likes animals a lot. He's not entirely sure why, but he's always found them very nice and pleasant to be around, even if he does hunt them, but he still feels a slight pang of guilt when he does. He'd love to have a pet around the house if it's okay with you, although he's a little worried about the cold for them

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