9. Child's Play

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~3rd pov~

In Chicago, early in the morning, there was a mess in the kitchen. Since a certain boy had made breakfast for his mother, she woke up to the wonderful surprise of burnt toast and sugar filled cereal for her and also because the curtains were ripped open.

"Andy, it's six-fifteen in the
morning." She chuckled.
"And it's a beautiful day outside!" He said with excitement.

"I'm sure it's lovely. How long have
you been up, birthday boy?" she asked as she sat up.
"Since forever. Here, I made you
breakfast in bed." he smiled as he showed her the breakfast tray.
"You did? Well, thank you-" She looked down at the tray, her sentence trailed off. Cereal and
milk swim all over it. She picked up a piece of the soggy toast.

Of course it crumples in her hand. She turns to Andy, keeping a straight

"That's very sweet of you. Tell you
what, I'll eat it later."

She suddenly came to life, grabbing him, hugging him tight and
tickling him. "But first I gotta give you, your super-duper birthday tummy-gummy. Come here. Come here. That's one. How many years old are you today? Two?" She laughed as she tickled him, he squirmed around in her arms, laughing happily as she
gives him a big kiss on the cheek before holding his sweet small face.

"Happy birthday, pumpkin." She said sweetly.
"Thanks. Can we open my presents
now, mommy, can we, can we?" He begged.
"Yes, we can."
"Terrific!!" He smiled as he ran.

She smiled as she let him go; she stands up, putting the tray on
the bed stand and searching for her slippers.

He's gone before she even has a chance to slip the first one on.

He raced into the room, skidding to a stop before the biggest
present, staring down at it, his mouth almost watering at the sight. Karen
entered a moment later, tying her robe together as she watched her son with joy.
"Can I open this first, can I, can
I?" He asked again.

The tv is still going with the newscaster talking away about the incident last night.
"Eddie Caputo, Ray's accomplice,
was captured by the police six
blocks from-"

She turned the sound completely off, leaving the newscaster to
mouth the words silently on the screen. She doesn't give the TV
a glance as she turns to Andy again.
"Don't you want to start with the
smaller present first?" She asked with a smile. He looked up at her, shaking his head no. She can't help
but smile at his adorableness.

"Okay, go ahead and open it." She said.

He teared into the wrapping with speed and strength, his face filled with expectation. His face falls with disappointment as he pulls back the top and found himself staring at three pairs of sturdy blue jeans. Karen Doesn't notice at first until she kneeled by him.

"Well, what do you think? You need these clothes so badly. I think they're gonna be okay. We'll just take them up a couple inches." She pulled a pair of pants, holding them up to his waist, measuring the
inseam with her eye. Soon she notices his upset expression, she let her hands fall to her lap as she spoke to him.

"What's the matter?"
"Ah, I know. You want some toys, don't you? Not boring old clothes. Well, here, open this." She grinned, as she handed him the smaller package.

He looks at it skeptically, unsure of what it could be. No way a Good Guy doll would ever fit in this. He tears it open anyway. Inside is a Good Guy toolbox with toy like tools and DIY stuff inside.

"What do you think?" She asked.
"I want a Good Guy to go with it." He muttered upset.
"I know you do, Andy, but I didn't know about it in time this month to save up for it." She replied, she held his face before saying something else.

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