7. Murderer

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~3rd pov~

Y/n had caught up to Jason, which was his plan all along to tire her out so she would stop bugging about the shower. But even then, he didn't expect her to keep talking about it.

"Come on. It's not going to bite you." Y/n knew the traumatic experience he went through, she held his hand and brought him to the cabin showers before turning on the water that worked now.

Thanks to Jason fixing up the pipes.
"Look." She said as she put her hand under the raining water.
"It's not a full tub of water, it's almost like rain. It won't drown you, it just rinses you." She took his hand and removed his glove before letting the water rain on his hand.

"See." She giggled.
"She's so cute when she giggles."
". . . Y'know I heard that right?" She said.

He embarrassingly turned his head away from her and took his hand back.
"(I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable.)"
"It's okay, you didn't make me feel uncomfortable. You will make me happy if you tried to use the shower?" She hummed.
"(. . . Fine.)"
"Yay!" She laughed, "Erm. . . I'll leave you alone here. I'll be outside." She said as she left the showers.

"Should I find you new clothes?"
"Sure, I'm still going to wear the green jacket." He thought.
"Got it." She answered.

She entered his bedroom and looked through the drawers, she found large pants and a black shirt that might go well with his green jacket. Before she closed the drawer, she saw a old picture.

She looked at it and saw her and Jason when they were doing art's and crafts together. She smiled before she put it back, she saw a locket with Pamela in it.

She closed the drawer and walked to the showers, she placed his clothes inside and on a counter for him before backing out.

She waited and sat by the showers as she traced her fox charm. The looked at some rocks and started to mess with them with her mind. Making smiley faces and hearts, before it became a knife?

Subconsciously making it herself? How and why did she make the shape of a knife? She heard steps come nearer and looked to see Jason standing there by her side.
"You're finally out! You smell better too!" She added as she held his hand.
"You're hands are cleaner too."
"(You happy now?)"
"C'mon, Jason, you can't tell me it didn't feel refreshing?"
"(. . . A little.)"
"Told you." She grinned before leading him back to the cabin.

"Thought of your reward yet?" She asked as she and Jason entered the cabin.
"I'm still working on it."
"Heh, must be something big if you're still thinking about it." She laughed.

She sat on the bear rug and Jason sat on the couch watching her as she spoke about how clean he was now.
"I know you're not afraid of water, just drowning, it's kinda like my own situation with blood. It's just- Blegh! Blood is supposed to stay inside of the body!" She shuddered.

"That's something you might need to adjust to." His voice echoed.
". . . Why do I need to adjust to it? I know you kill whoever enters here. . . I don't know why-"
"To avenge us."
"Avenge us? Me and you? We're both alive."
"My mother isn't." He echoed.
". . . But. . . You killed the councilor though. . . Wasn't that enough?" Y/n asked.
"No. She still wants me to kill them all."
"She? Your mother? Jason, she's dead-"
"I can hear her."
"You can? Did she say to kill me?"
"She said you were close to becoming one of them."

Y/n sat still on the rug before she turned her head to Jason.
". . . What does that mean? I was close to becoming one of them?"
"You actually cared about me."
"I still care about you.'' Y/n said.
"I know."
"Does she blame me for not saving you?"
"She actually praises you for even being my friend and trying to save me."
"Right. . . Does it bother you when you kill them?" She asked.
"No, it doesn't."

A Deadly Romance (Friday the 13th !Jason Voorhees! Horror Crossovers x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now