12. Confronted

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~Y/n pov~

The doll screamed in pain as I held his forehead. He tried to grab at my hand but couldn't reach me.

I was sending telekinetic forces into his brain to cause severe headaches and migraines, I could even see his nose starting to bleed and his eyes turning red as the blood flow pumped through his head. It was 10 times worse as any headache, my first time using a torture method on anyone. . . I couldn't believe it would be a doll.

"Why do you want Andy?"
"Who's this Andy?" Jason asked in my head.
"He's North's little step brother, he's really adorable and innocent. Something this murderer wants to take away." I said.
"I-I need the kid. . . To transfer my soul into."
"Your soul? Why him in the first place? Why not a different person?"
"Because, you nagging whore, he was the- GARGHAHG!!" He choked as Jason's hand squeezed around his neck.

"It's okay, Jason. I can handle it. If you curse either of us out again, I'll make sure you lose your eye."
". . . Whatever. . . How are you even doing that?"
"I'm special, now answer the question."
"I can't just find another person to transfer my soul into! It has to be the first person I ever told my name to."
"Charles Lee Ray. . . He said that."
"Oh, no shi-Gagah!!"
"Ngh, tell your friend to let me go!"
"No! He's gonna keep you there."
"I need the boy! Before it's too late for me!"
"Too late? As in you'll be trapped in that body?"
"Yes! It does mean that! I need the boy!" He yelled again.

"What should I do?"
"Keep him there. He can't harm Andy, he's just a kid. Do you have a box or a pit you can trap him in?" I asked.
"You can't do that!!" He yelled.
"We can lock him in the closet."
"That's a good idea." I said.

Jason carried a rabid fighting Chucky to a empty closet. Jason made sure that there was no sharp objects inside before tossing him in and locking the door.
"HEY!!! LET ME OUT!!! LET ME OUT NOW!!!" Chucky shouted, he sounded like a real serial killer just by his voice.

"That won't get annoying." Jason answered.
"Thank you. . . I can't believe he actually bit me." I muttered as I held my arm.
"Let me handle it." Jason grabbed the same Med-Kit and sat me down on the couch as he held my hand.

"I need to disinfect it first. That midget probably had rabies by the way he was acting."
"Haha! Remember the time we came across a rabid raccoon?"
"You said it was on drugs." Jason lowly chuckled at the old memory.
"I thought it was- Ah!- Ow!" I hissed as he started to clean the bite mark.

"So many scars, huh?"
"Lots. I still have more." He answered.
"What was the worst injury you ever gotten?"
"I don't know. I was shot, stabbed, punched, kicked, drowned, burned. And more."
"Wow. . . And I was just clawed in the back and bitten by a doll." I looked down the hall to the closet and still heard Chucky yelling for us to let him out.

"He's annoying. . ."
"Wonderful music." He answered.
"Music! Do you listen to any music?" I asked.
"No, I don't. I haven't heard music in forever."
"No. . . Seriously? Not. . . Not even Michael Jackson?'' Jason just shook his head no.
"Who is that?"
"Oh god, Jason. You have no idea what your missing out on, any classical music?"
"Wow." I giggled, "I need to find you some music. . . Maybe we can have a dance together."

Jason wrapped my arm and brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"Did you have any friends before me?" He asked.
"Well. . . One? I'm not sure if we were friends or not. . . But I ended up punching one of the bullies who were teasing him."
"Punched? Who was it that you met?"
"Mm. . . It was a boy-"
"A boy?"
". . . Yes, Jason, it was a boy like you." I grinned, "I remember his name was Micheal."
"Micheal Jackson?"
"Ha! I wish. But no, his last name wasn't Jackson. I think it was. . . Mears? Miles? Myle? Something like that. . . I don't know what happened to him though. He just disappeared and I was taken back to my uncle. . . And we moved away, I was around 9 or 10 at the time. . ."

A Deadly Romance (Friday the 13th !Jason Voorhees! Horror Crossovers x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now