5. Run Away

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~3rd pov~

Freddy Krueger.

". . . He's not real though, right?" Y/n asked.
"We don't know. He did die- wait!" North gasped before running out of the room and somewhere else.

"It's okay, Y/n. You're safe." Bryce said as he tried to comfort the girl. He sat on the bed by her feet and waited as they listened to the running steps and sudden fall on the floor.

"You alright there, North?" Bryce asked.
"Yeah?" She groaned, she came in the room again with a laptop and sat in a chair by the desk in the room.

Y/n and Bryce walked up behind her and looked at the white screen.
"What are you doing?" Y/n asked.
"Looking up someone. . . Nancy. . . Thompson. . . She had the same experience with Freddy Krueger."
"She did?" Bryce said.
"Yeah, it says she was sent to a psych ward for having gone insane." North read.
"And what else?" Y/n asked.
"She's still alive, maybe we can talk to her."
"Isn't this a little too much? I mean it was just a dream." Bryce said.

North stood and looked at Bryce.
"Better safe than sorry, and I don't want Y/n to be harmed anymore, I never did. After everything we've done, she still has the heart to even look or speak to us." North defended.

Y/n was somewhat moved by North's passion to keep and make sure she was safe and okay.
"I don't care if you want to go or stay, but I'm taking Y/n to Nancy to see if this dream is a sign of any danger."
"It did feel real. . . Like really real, it was strange." Y/n added.
"See!" North said.
". . . Okay, I'm still going. I just don't want anything bad to happen."
". . . Yeah, I'll keep a tab on that." North answered.

"I don't want to sleep. . ." Y/n muttered.
"I know. We pretty much had enough sleep, it's already 5 am. We can eat some breakfast before we go." North said as she took Y/n's hand and led her down the stairs.

They passed the same room where Y/n saw the girls, which was empty.
"North, who's this?" Bryce asked as he held a picture of a woman with short blonde hair and light brown eyes.

"Oh, that's my stepmom. She took me in after my dad died, her son, Andy, is such a good kid. He's so cute!" North smiled as she turned on the kitchen lights.

Y/n saw the same cookies on the counter from her dream. The same exact cookies.
"Did you make these?" Bryce asked as he took a cookie.
"Yeah, I was still scared to even sleep, so I decided to bake something." She answered.

"Y/n, do you want anything specific for breakfast?" North asked.
"Um. . . Pancakes?"
"Okay, Bryce?. . . Bryce? Mr. Stupid! Do you copy?!'' she yelled to get Bryce's attention.
"Oh? Uh, yeah, sure. Sorry, I was looking at a picture. Is this Andy and your stepmom?"
"Yeah, Karen Barclay."

"But your last name is Dunroe? Why not Barclay.''
"I just kept my dad's last name, something to remember him by." She replied as she started to cook some pancakes.

Y/n sat by the kitchen island and waited silently. She toyed with her fox again and quietly thought about Jason again. She needed to return there, that was more important than going to see some insane girl with nightmares.

"I'm going to use the bathroom." Y/n said as she stood and walked off. Leaving Bryce with North.

". . . Do you think she's really okay?" Bryce asked.
"No. I don't. I overheard she managed to break the two-way mirror in the police station." North answered.
"What? How?''
"That's the thing, they think she used her own mind to shatter that strong glass."
"Her mind. Again, I think she has some sort of superpower!" Bryce said.
"You're still stupid, y'know."

A Deadly Romance (Friday the 13th !Jason Voorhees! Horror Crossovers x Reader!)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ