4. A Surprise

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~Y/n pov~

I expected Jason to know how to cook since he could hunt, but turns out. . . He eats the meat raw instead. Which I wasn't really interested in.
"Um. . . I'm gonna cook this up." I said.
"(Why, it's good. . . Right?)"
"Jason, this is raw meat. I can't let you eat food like this. Come, I'll show you how to cook. Maybe we'll soon have pancakes like how Pamela used to make them." I smiled.

I began to start a small fire outside and cook the meat, I turned it over and felt someone rest their head on my own. Already knowing it's Jason.
"Softie." I scoffed.

The meat was fully cooked, I let him grab one and I took a small piece myself. I tasted the warm cooked meat and almost swooned over the flavor.
"Ah! It's so good! How do you like it, Jas- Whoa! You ate it already?" I asked, he nodded his head and took another piece of it.

I stood and looked at the cabin.
". . . I'm gonna clean the cabin." He held my hand and wondered why I wanted to clean it.
"If I'm going to stay, I can't sleep in the dusty bed."
"(Really?! You're going to stay with me?)" He signed.
"Yeah, I thought about it. I have food, water, fun activities I can do and learn. . . And the best part is, I have my best friend with me." I said as I held his hand.

He stood and hugged me against his strong large chest.
"(You're really staying with me?)"
"Yes, Jason. I am. There's nothing out there for me anyway, I'd rather be stuck here with you, you dunce." I grinned.

He held my head and squeezed my body lightly before letting me free.
"I'm gonna start dusting. . . You can-"

I shut up when a I heard some voices from afar by the cabins. Even Jason turned around and stood in front of me for protection. I held his hand as he walked to the trees, I saw the red and blue lights from the cop cars.

I saw Bryce and North speaking to the officers. It was so serious, they even brought police dogs.
"Oh god, Jason, they're after me!" I gasped, he held my arms and kneeled in front of me to try and calm me down.

"(They're not going to hurt you.)"
"Jason, they're going to catch me! Those dogs know my scent!"
"(Trust me.)" He covered my mouth as a gun went off by the cops so I didn't scream from the sudden surprise.

He picked me up and ran back to the cabin, he entered it and found a floor latch, he opened it and set me inside.

I backed up and gave him space to enter.
"Jason, what are you-" he covered my lips with his finger before taking my hand.

He led me into tunnels and I saw an old bed with some chains and different weapons and tools to help sharpen them.
"Wow, Jason the hunter huh?" I said trying to ease the tension.
"(Come here.)" He signaled me over to him.

"Why- Hey! Why are you putting chains on me?" I asked as he locked my hands up.
"(They're going to find you. They won't suspect that you're part of the crime-)"
"What?! No! Jason! I can help you!"
"(Please, listen to me. I'll come back to get you, I promise.)"
"Jason, please. Don't leave me. I can't leave you again! I hate it out there-"
"(Trust me, Y/n. . .)'' he held my head again and ruffled my hair.
"(They want me. They'll take you somewhere safe once they find you. They will clear your name of any suspicion.)''
". . . How come you know more sign language?"

I turned around and grabbed something before showing me a book of ASL phrases and ABC's.
"You studied that while I was asleep didn't you?"
"(And while you were swimming.)"
". . . Jason. . . Please don't let them have me. . . I want to be with you."
"(I want them to not suspect you. After they leave, I'll come for you.)''
"I'm coming back. . . No matter what." I said.

A Deadly Romance (Friday the 13th !Jason Voorhees! Horror Crossovers x Reader!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora