

That evening, when Briana was home alone, looking for something to binge watch on, she heard a knock on her door. She looked at the time and it was 6pm. She turned off the T.V. and walked towards the door. As soon as she opened it, she saw a man whose face was hidden by the bouquet of lilies he held in his hands.

"Surprise!", Ricky popped his head sideways so that she could see him.

"Hey!", she said awkwardly and raised her brows at him as he handed her the bouquet.

"I thought to check up on you since you left early. How are you feeling now?", he asked her.

Briana had lied to him about going home early. She hadn't told him about the leaves she had taken but said that she was feeling uneasy.

"Umm.. I'm fine. Thanks for coming", she smiled at him.

He returned the smile, while raising his brows at her, "Will you make me stand on the door itself?", he joked.

"Oh sorry!", she face-palmed herself as soon as she realized her mistake. "Come in", she said, stepping aside to allow him in. "Coffee?", she asked shutting the door behind them.

"Would love that!"

"Would love that!"

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It's almost been a week since Jake got work done properly. Every time his substitute assistant would mess up. And how couldn't she? After all Briana had been taking care of all his work for almost 5 years.

On the other hand, he wasn't able to reach that level of intimacy with Mia. No matter how much time they spent together, no matter what he did, he's not able to get that night out of his mind. It's been so long that his heart had started telling him to stop chasing that girl because clearly, he wasnt able to get along with her.

Meanwhile, his brain fought with his heart everyday as they battled about Mia being the same girl. From the minute they started talked to each other and spending time together, Jake had got to know a lot about her. She had also shown him some pictures of them that were clicked that night when he was absolutely wasted.

And just because of those pictures, his brain urged his heart to accept that she was the one.

But how come she's so comfortable with him, even though they haven't known each other that long?

-Perhaps, you had an amazing passionate night of sex with her, his brain barked back at him.

Jake was confused, and so confused that he couldn't even concentrate on his work. That was the partial reason why his work was not being done properly.

"Oh God!", he yelped. "Just give me one sign, just one signal about all of this!", he begged as he shut his eyes. "I don't know if she's the one or not but help me! Just let me know whether she's the one or not!", he rested his head in his hands. "And if there's nothing done by the end of the day, then..", he paused before thinking one last time about his decision. "Then, I'll propose to Mia for marriage!"

Soon enough, he heard a knock on the door. Jake was not in the mood to entertain anyone but he was in office. There's no way he can ignore people.

"Come in", he sighed, rubbing his forehead to ease the pain.

"Hey baby!!", the woman chirped as she walked in.

He looked at the person, forcing a smile on his face as he saw Mia walk in, "Oh hey!"

"How are you, baby?", she asked as she made herself comfortable in the chair kept in front of Jake.

"How are you, baby?", she asked as she made herself comfortable in the chair kept in front of Jake

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"I'm good", he said, grabbing a file from the pile stacked up next to him. "How come you're here today? Weren't you supposed to be at work?", he tilted his head sideways.

"Yeah I was", she blew out a sigh, "but I took a half day as I'm heading back tomorrow", she exclaimed with sadness.

"Wait-What? Why?", he asked shutting the file he just opened.

"You see, I came here for work and it's quite fortunate that I found you!", she said as she placed her hands over his. "But my job here is done and I have to go back to New York", she pouted.

At that moment, Jake had an i'll feeling, that he couldn't just shake off. Letting go of Mia, the only girl who he thinks might be the one that he was looking for, is going away. All his life, hed just lost people and everyone close to him. And now he's losing onto the only hope he has.

"I just came here to spend some time with you before I head back home", she pressed his hands gently.

Jake closed his eyes and thought about what his heart was saying. This time, it ordered her to stop her, to know more about her, to hold on to her and not let go!

And it was at this moment that he realized something. All along the way, he was waiting for God to give him a hint and there goes nothing!

Instantly, he opened his eyes and said, "Mia, don't go yet! I want to spend the whole day with you before we part our ways

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Instantly, he opened his eyes and said, "Mia, don't go yet! I want to spend the whole day with you before we part our ways.."

The moment he said those things, her eyes lit up. She stood up from the chair and rushed over to him just to take him in her arms and hug the life out of him. Jake was prepared for the bear hug she was used to giving him, so he wasted no time and welcomed her with open arms.

"Thanks, baby!", she said while hugging him.

Jake nodded his head while still holding her close to him. He was happy and it was finally time for him to decide what he wants to do. Whether he wants to take this along with her or...

Without her.


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