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The Ruthless King...




It was 9 in the morning and Jake was there in the office. Today was one of those odd days when his assistant came later than him. At first, he failed to notice her absence. But when she didn't enter the cabin 10 minutes after his arrival, he called for her.

"Yes Sir?", One of his employees came inside when Jake rang his table bell.

"Send Briana right now!", he looked pissed.

"Send Briana right now!", he looked pissed

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Afraid, the women held her head low. She knew way too well that after telling him the situation, he would surely vent all Briana's anger at her.

"She hasn't arrived yet, Sir", her voice barely above a whisper.

"Be LOUD", he ordered.

His loud voice shook her to the core!

Mustering whatever little voice she had, she tried to speak.

"S-s-she hasn't-"

Good morning, sir".

They shifted their attention to the third source of voice.

Briana was breathing heavily from the sprint she had to take in order to reach her office on time. There she stood with a notepad and a pen in her hand while her mobile was clutched to her chest.

The other lady visibly sighed and glared at Briana for being the reason for the unwelcomed outburst of their boss.

Briana smiled sheepishly, apologizing mentally and then walking further inside the room.

"Where the fuck were you? Is this the time for you to reach the office?????", he roared.

Seeing this as an opportunity, the other one left the room, quietly shutting the door behind her.

"Sorry sir, I had some work with Ricky as he had to take the print outs for the hotel advertisement", Briana spilled whatever she could cook up in the elevator ride.

Knowing that she was late, Briana had already thought about an excuse to dodge the atom bomb that her boss might blast on her.

"Hmm. You didn't have the time to do that before I arrived?", he narrowed his eyes at her.

"I did.but..but the machine wasn't working so Ricky had to call the technician", she said, looking right into his eyes to avoid the risk of getting caught.

Jake was not convinced at all. He knew that she was cooking up some lie to be with her boyfriend due to which she forgot to update him on his schedule.

"From the next time, take your gross excuses somewhere else, especially the ones concerned with Ricky!", he said and turned to his laptop.

"From the next time, take your gross excuses somewhere else, especially the ones concerned with Ricky!", he said and turned to his laptop

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