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No matter How Fast you Run, It will Catch up to You!!

( The songs on the covers are the ones I listen to while writing the chapters! If you like you can always check them out)


Ricky was waiting outside at her desk. The time was ticking and everyone around him had started packing their things up. Most of the people wanted to leave early because Jake wasn't in the office. Ricky and Briana were one of them. He had noticed Briana's mood was off ever since the morning incident.

Looked like the morning event had a great impact on her. Jake must have been hard on her. He missed how she was smiling and laughing in the morning but how it overturned when she left his cabin. She had been busy the whole day and Ricky was not stupid not to notice it. He had been trying to cheer her up but deep inside, he knew he was the reason why she had been busted in the first place.

So, he decided to leave early with her so that she could enjoy the rest of the evening. He was just looking at the time on his watch, when he heard someone call him. Ricky turned around to look at the person. As soon as his eyes landed on the person, his heart stopped!

 As soon as his eyes landed on the person, his heart stopped!

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Standing behind him was the girl he had never seen before. Briana looked so beautiful, ravishing and amazing. She was wearing this beautiful white sequin gown which was covered with lace. She had her hair open with beachy waves, which might have occurred because of the tight bun she had previously tied them in.

Ricky was lost in her. She smiled at him as she walked towards him and stood right in front of him. Waiting for him to say something, she wiggled her brows at him. But he was too stunned to say anything.

He stood tongue-tied before the most beautiful girl he had ever seen!

He was schmitten!

"Hey??", Briana pushed his chin up to close his mouth. He didn't even notice his mouth was hanging wide open until she made him realize it. "What happened? This reaction can only be caused by the presence of a beautiful fairy or..", she made a poker face, "By a horrible looking bitch!", she completed.

Ricky, straight away, burst out into laugher!

That's what he loved about her! Shes a total sass-master, even for herself! She didn't even hesitate to embarrass herself.

"Umm..", he spoke trying to calm himself down, "What have you done with my beautiful Briana, ma'am?", he asked faking seriousness. "This one standing right in front of me, looks absolutely like a horrible looking bitch!", he mimicked her.

Briana's mouth hung wide open at the insult he just pulled at her. She slapped his arm and joined him in his laugher.

"Now, shall we?", he asked her as he put his hand forward. Briana eyed it but took it anyways as they walked down the hall.

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