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Personal journal of geologist Sanomis Ti'nullaim, Ganiwarthal's exploratory mission on planet Dorull

-Entry 145-

Today, I was supposed to resume the exploration of the cave complex underneath the mountain range to the south of Kabb'nal-an, but instead I have received the orders to transfer to another surface ship. My only hope is that this turn of events won't lead to the overly prolonged absence from the planet. Especially this beautiful region I am exploring right now. With the abundance of caves there, I surely have a lot of work in front of me. Not that I'm complaining. It is quite the opposite. I simply wouldn't want to miss a single day away from the surface. But if it comes to that, at least I'll have the time to prepare my thesis.

It is still unclear whether the dwarves previously visited the cave system I am currently exploring. But as I only managed to spot the insignificant traces of the ores, that is a possibility. They probably already mined this entire place. This ability of theirs, to find such underground locations similar to this one, using only their intuition and experience, is quite fascinating. It would be more than interesting meeting a few of them, to share our experiences and knowledge. Perhaps even learn something new.

Of course I realize this will sadly remain a mere dream. Every form of contact is strictly forbidden. Prime directive is clear. We mustn't influence the development of primitive civilizations. Although, sometimes I wish that instead of plain observers, our mission has a goal of helping the progress. But until then, these rocks will have to be enough to satisfy my curiosity.


"Is this your first time here, on Shteint?"


"Welcome. I am lieutenant Vagyr Zharn. I will be taking care of your safety, while you're with us."

"Thank you. My name is Ti'nullaim. Sanomis Ti'nullaim."

"I understand you were stationed on Khoro this entire time." Vagyr said.

"I was." Sanomis answered "So you can imagine my confusion when I received the order to transfer on this ship."

"They had to make an urgent return to the mothership for general maintenance." Vagyr explained "Their general check was long overdue. Khoro was in nonstop service for over a year."

"I see." Sanomis said.

"But I am certain you won't find it difficult to adjust. Shteint is almost identical." Vagyr smiled "With one difference, our crew is much friendlier."

"I'll take your word for it." Sanomis smiled back "Would you happen to know where my quarters are?"

"One of the rooms across the laboratories should be ready for you." Vagyr answered "I hope you'll find that suitable."

"Of course!" Sanomis wasn't hiding his excitement "Back on Khoro, I was placed in guest quarters."

"I told you this ship is much more amiable." Vagyr winked, "Please follow me."

Lieutenant led him through the series of corridors, towards the promenade, encircling the middle area of the ship. This ring was the center of every and all social happenings, with numerous different establishments, offering leisure and relaxation to anyone interested.

"You have restaurants here?" Sanomis asked, as they walked past a few "There weren't any on Khoro."

"Khoro is a military ship, Shteint isn't." Vagyr answered "We have civilians living here. Many of them brought their families on this mission. Some even started ones."

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