And soon, it was the breaktime. Zoe, Zack, and Crystal came up to my seat. Euntae and Jace came over as well. I mentally prepared the explanations in my head. I didn't want to talk or think about it again but I suppose they ought to know. Sigh.

"So...I heard Daniel's in the hospital from small Daniel. And I heard Jiho was arrested and that you were around. Think you could explain?"

So I did, in as much detail as I could bring myself to. Minus the James Lee stuff of course, they didn't need to know that. When I finished, everyone was astounded. 

"Jiho did that? I always knew he was a coward, where'd he grow the balls to do something like that?!!" Zack seemed furious. Obviously.

"Kyra, is Daniel alright? Is piggy alright? He wasn't hurt was he?"


"Small Daniel."

"He wasn't hurt physically, must be still recovering from the shock. He seemed...very upset when he was going to visit Daniel..."

'...though shortly after I saw him going to all those other places doing James Lee business and his shock then wasn't from Daniel's accident.'

"That piece of scum Jiho...he'll rot in hell! He's lucky he was taken to the juvenile hall, I would have killed him otherwise." Zack's still on it.

"Oh from what I heard, the juvie is worse than hell so he'll get what he needs." What was his name again...Doo? Where'd he come from?

"Let's all go visit him after. I hope Daniel's okay." Euntae.

"Yeah, what's done is done. Let's worry about what's after." Jace.

With that everyone dispersed. Jay kept looking at Daniel's seat all day long but everything was strangely...peaceful? They all accepted it rather easily, that one of our friends is at the hospital. 

That another got arrested and is in the prison now. Well then again, no one really cared for Jiho all that much. 

'And people move on. You should too. Or you'll get hurt. More than you've already had. 

You've got quite a lot of other stuff to worry about, haven't you?'

'He was my friend though.'

'Really? You think he thought of you as a friend? 

You said he could talk with you. You said you think of him as a friend. What'd he do? He found better "friends", that shit backfired and then he decided to solve it by murder. Never once communicated, never once...'

'I'm probably justifying myself for walking away from him. am I not?'





What a weird chapter.😳

I just wanted to move the story further from where it was but I don't quite like what I did and I probably was stress-typing but well I wrote the chapter already and I don't want to delete it so I'll post anyway.😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️

Two more exams and I graduate high school woohoo!!🥳🥳 (assuming that I'll pass but I'm pretty confident in my ability to pass so I will yeah)

Then I'm looking to take a gap year and work on stuff. Looking forward to that bit actually. Will miss being a school student very much but this is a phase of life, others await and yeah, people do move on...

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