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sorry I promise im not dead, Luna_Eclipse_Shadow you are very sweet fr checking in on me. I've just been busy with end of the year testing, essays, and finals. I also have like five oneshots I'm in the middle of and instead of finishing one I start another. So yeah but anyways here are some headcannons I have or really agree with. 


So does anyone else know the song I’ll sleep when I’m dead by set it off, if you don’t, listen to it above and you’ll understand. Okay so it’s about the singer having insomnia and no this isn’t Shinsou’s song, this is for Kaminari. In the song the singer says how his internal clock is broken and how it seems as if his eyes are stapled open wide, bouncing off the walls, and needing to be strapped to his bed. All of this makes the singer seem as if he has large amounts of energy, too much in fact. Shinsou is overly exhausted, he has no energy to be doing this shit. Kaminari though has electricity running through his veins and several people have the headcanon that he has insomnia because of this and the song seems to fit Kaminari’s type of insomnia rather than Shinsou’s song, so this is Kaminari’s song.

Okay I feel like Tokoyami, will almost always use a nickname or pet name for his lover like My Love or My Sunshine, extra infeces on the My. And tokoyami would have so many poetic compliments lined up to use all at once, especially if the significant other isn’t doing the best mentally.

I believe in the headcanon that due to all the short circuiting Kaminari has stopped growing. So he is short bean compared to everyone.

when Kaminari is in little space he so shy and sweet. such a cute little one.

so in an aspect i think Kaminari would do the thing I do. I'm a super cuddly person but when I start dating or want to date some one right then and there I will only cuddle with that person or people and no one else. so yeah

I feel like kaminari is a late night baker. Like if he is awake and bored he’ll just start baking, it’s normally by the book with a couple tweeks. So after he’s done he’ll leave a little note by whatever he made and leave it for his classmates in the morning. At first people thought it was Sato but then Sato denied making them when people thank him more on more than one occation, like Sato thought nothing of it the first like maybe their was still left over goodies he made from last time but then he realized that that wasn’t it so he started correcting everyone. One night though, Momo or Todoroki wake up in the middle of the night seeing Kaminari baking. So damn cute.

Also when Kaminari knows when one of his friends are having a rough time he likes to draw something cute or funny with an inspirational little note to help them and tape it to their door for them to find. The reason he doesn’t tell anyone  it’s him though is because he thinks that they’ll think he’s taking advantage of a shit situation to flirt. He’s not though and no one thinks that. (Also the mans can draw we all know this)

Kaminari is an ADHD kid so random midnight cleaning we all know he does it again no one knows he is the one doing it till someone wakes up in the middle of the night. On occations he has like collects his friends dirty laundry, wash it, and have it folded for them on their bed as well when they were gone.  

Also Denki having a fail folder is another head cannon someone else came up with but I love. It’s a folder filled with failed assinments and test. He sometimes write little degrading notes to himself for ‘motivation.’

Monama, Shinsou, and Kaminari would all probably bond through therapy or something like that so hear me out. Monama, Shinsou, and Kaminari all get grouped into the same therapy sessions for the same thing or the bonding over having a similar experience of being bullied for their quirk. Monama does have a really cool quirk and younger kids see that but like in his middle school year, kids and such would probably see the danger of him being ‘villainous’ and nothing but a copycat and them not wanting Monoma to copy their quirk. Shinsou obviously controls the mind, we all know that. Last of all Kaminari for the drawbacks and short circuiting along with other kids staying away from him because he might have accidentally shocked someone a bit or something and they don’t want to get shocked themselves.

So like just throwing all these ideas out there. Someone could possibly use these and tag me and that would be totally okay. If anyone wants to do that, at all. Just saying. ;) ;)


Mina is a dominant bitch. This bitch will always top your ass or be riding you. This woman will never be the one tied up, it will be you… unless she’s trying to make something up to you but that’s it. I also believe in the headcanon that her clit is a pretty good sized tentacle dick. 

Top to Bottom: Boys








Bakugou (todoroki midoriya and Bakugou will switch a lot but this is how it is)



Top to Bottom: Girls








Of course people will switch a bit but this is just like who is MORE of a top to me.

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