Our Great Escape

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This was requested by  Luna_Eclipse_Shadow. Class 1-A is now Class 3-A. Everyone in said class is now 17 while Ayame is 7. I believe in the headcanon that is due to all the short circuiting Kaminari has stopped growing. So he is short bean compared to everyone. That also means Tokoyami is taller than our precious baby.

Also none of you guys ever name my little squiggles and emoji’s yet. I keep on hoping someone will finally name them but no one is. 😭



Sunflower boy’s pov 🌻⚡

I’m done. I can’t take this anymore! I’m gonna take Ayame and run from this hell hole! Run from everyone! Mr. Kuria, the Bakusquad, UA, everyone! That way no one can send us back to that hell hole or separate us. We’ll finally be free! Tonight will be our great escape. 

After I clean myself up from the ‘session’ that Mr. Kuria put me through and is now passed out from, I pack two backpacks. One for me to carry with canned food, a knife, gun, first aid, toiletries, sleeping bag, and lighter. Ayame’s bag has our clothes, cash, and a couple of her toys and stuffies. Everything we’ll need for now. 

I wake up Aye and tell her to stay quiet as I get her dressed. Once out of the house I take us to an abandoned building that I found a while back. This is the only place that I know we can stay in without being found. At least until I’m older and have enough money to buy us an apartment. This is way better than that house though.

“Den-den?” I hear, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I crouch down to Aye’s height to see how nervous and confused she is. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong sweetie pea?”

“What’s going on bubba? Why are we in an old building? Why did we leave in the middle of the night? Are we going to go to school tomorrow?” The girl spiraled as tears started falling from her eyes. 

“Hey sweetie, don’t worry, okay. I just- I just can’t deal with Mr. Kuria’s beatings and ‘sessions’ anymore and I couldn’t leave you there with him either. I found this place a bit ago. It's the only place we can stay at for now. We can’t go back to school either or at least not for a bit and not that the one we went to. They might take us back to Mr. Kuria’s or back in foster care where they’ll separate us. So we need to stay here okay?” I say in fake calmness, trying to ease Ayame’s worries. The blunette hesentally nodded her head. “Why don’t you go to sleep, okay?”

Again the small girl nodded her head. I grab the sleeping bag, rolling it out before getting her stuffed, rainbow dolphin, Mimi. I stay up as Ayame sleeps, not wanting anything to happen while she rests. I wish we could have found somewhere safer but at least it beats sleeping on the streets or a park bench. At least here, on one of the higher levels of the building, we can stay somewhat hidden and safe. That’s all I can hope for.

Third person pov

Currently the entirety of class 3-gAy was worried sick for their little ball of sunshine who has been gone for four days. No one has heard from him at all during that time either. The teachers can’t get a hold of his parents. The students are even searching for Kaminari after school in pairs. So far though, they haven’t found anything to clue them in on his location. Tokoyami and Shoji are currently searching around an abandoned part of the city for Kaminari. 

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