I'm not dead yet bitches!

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Hi yeah I'm alive. I'm sorry I told myself a month ago I would work on my stories but then my period struck soooo. then school started and when I was finally writing again I went to my mom's for the week but forgot my charger for my Chromebook, that was almost dead when I went to my mom's, at my dad's. and then the last two days I've been writing this for my ELA class it was only supposed to be a page long so it's short and not very good but it's a survival writing project for our Lord of the Flies unit thing. I'm also pretty sure my new ELA teacher is a bisexual cause her outfits cuffed jeans likes sweater weather and has bisexual flag fairy lights. any who you can read this thing she made me write.

With twenty-two kids stranded on an island from a plane crash. The students had all started gravitating toward one another. Once they were standing in a circle on the beach, they all started chattering or whimpering-or for some yelling in hestaria with the weight of the situation finally settling on them. Finally one of the boys walked to the center of the circle and yelled. 

“Hey! Quiet!” 

All of the other kids quieted down immediately. Once Carter Reed was satisfied with everyone's silence, he spoke once more. “Okay, we need to not act like a bunch of idiots. We need to try and survive on this Island until we can flag down a plane or someone saves us. Izzy, Lexy, Riley, and Elly. You four can go and see if there is anything we can salvage from the plane crash. Hunter, Braden, Autumn King, and Robby, once the girls come back we can see if they have any guns or other weapons for you to hunt down some food. Autumn McMullan you know what plants are safe to eat right?” The red head pointed to the brunette as he said the last part.

“To some extent, yes.” Autumn said as she nodded and made gestures with her hands. 

“Okay you, Devyn, Savannah, and Sarah should go look for vegetation that is edible. The rest of us can try to make a fire and shelter for the night.” Carter looked towards the sky for a moment but then turned to the first four girls that he had called. “Hey Elly, why don’t you take Natalie, Emma, and Kylie with you guys. Make sure to look for blankets, clothing, and sleeping bags. It might get really cold at night so those along with weapons and food are probably the most important things we need.”

Everyone complied with their rolls, not questioning Carter’s leadership. Over a few days everyone started getting into their own duties. Most of the boys would hunt or help build shelters. Every so often Autumn King or Lexy or some other girls would hunt and set up traps with them but for the most part most of the girls would scavenge for berries, cook, or build. Everything was as calm as it could be. That was, at least til They came. 

One day while the boys and Autumn King were hunting when something took Autumn. No one saw them, no one heard them. They just took what they wanted. A few days later her head was found, eyes glazed and emotionless. Since that day, every other day someone would go missing and then only their head would be found. 

Brain, Natalie, Lexy, Kalvin, Emma, Riley, Izzy, Alissa, Robby, Audrey. Everyone was going missing and the number of students were dwindling. Everyone soon became frantic trying to flag down a plane or helicopter any time they were seen. 

Salvation finally came. A helicopter saw the stranded children-or more so got blinded by them because Devyn Kennedy and Carter Walter found something shiny and shined it in the pilot's eyes. Once the copter landed on the beach they called for another copter. Once the other two copters arrived, the remaining students were quickly seated in and flown home. 

The survivors went to their worried families and respectfully mourned their dead classmates. Skills were learned, trauma set in, and bonds became stronger than before.

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