Chasing Stars

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Hi hi! This oneshot was requested Bakukami_Bitch . There will be a part two if you guys want. This is a no quirk, high school ua. I hope you like it.


Pikachu pov

“Hey nerd, you got our work?” Momo and Uraraka glared down at my small frame. We are currently in an abandoned hall in our school during first hour.

“Y-y-yes. H-here you go.”  I said as I handed both the girls back their now finished homework.

They looked through the papers as if to check it. Then all of a sudden Momo punched the wall right next to my face, pinning me in place. “We better get A’s or it’s your *ss shimp.”

“Yes M-m-momo.” I stuttered out shaking slightly. I watched as both girls turned and walked away. Once they were out of sight I let out a sigh as I slid down the wall onto the floor and hid my face in my arms. F*ck. I hate this. Anyways, hi I'm Denki Kaminari. I'm the designated nerd here at UA High. I'm the one that everyone loves to pick on and makes me do their work for them. Well everyone except for the four star football jocks, Shoto Todoroki, Eijiro Kirishima, Katsuki Bakugou, and Izuku Midoriya, also known as the Four Stars. They are the only people here at this school that are actually nice to me. I actually have a crush on all of them although I know they would never like me back. They would probably stop being nice to me and start bulling me ‘cause I'm a f*g and sl*t. I mean who wouldn’t think that. My family does, my old friends from middle school did. Why would the Four Stars think anything different?

"Hey, are you okay Kaminari-kun?" I hear as someone puts their hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Midoriya kneeling in front of me.

“W-w-what?” I asked, cocking my head to the side.

“You're crying dumb*ss.” Bakugou says from behind Midoriya along with Todoroki and Kirishima.

I raised my hands to my face and sure enough I was crying. “I'm sorry it's nothing I’ve just been, ah... stressed! Yeah I've just been a little stressed lately.” I plaster on the brightest smile possible to try to reassure them.

Kirishima shakes his head at me. “You don't sound too sure bro.”

Todoroki hums in agreement and Bakugou stares at me with a ‘don't bullsh*t with us’ look.

“It's okay I'm fine really.” I stand up, brushing off my pants and walk away. “I have to get to my next class, don't want to be late.”


It's the end of the day and everyone is in their groups around the school, doing their own thing. That's when I see it, or I guess hear it. Right before I had turned a corner I heard, “Todo~ you and I should go to prom together.”

I peek around the corner to see Momo and Uraraka with two other girls hanging off Todoroki, Midoriya, Bakugou, and Kirishima. I quickly turn around and run away as I feel my heart start shattering. As I run through the halls I can feel my tears start running down my face. Why did I think I would ever have a chance with them? I'm nothing but an ugly, little nerd. Why would they ever want me when there are people like Momo and Uraraka and so many other pretty girls that they could all date? It hurts so much still. It feels like someone had thrown my heart from the top of a skyscraper and then lit the remains on fire. Once I get home I cry the rest of the night until I have no more tears to shed and fall into a dreamless sleep.


It's been a few days since the incident. I've been avoiding Midoriya, Kirishima, Todoroki, and Bakugou since then. Every time I see them in the halls or after class I always run away and hide. I can’t talk to them, I can't even look at them without my heart aching. I hate this! I knew this was going to happen. I was stupid for chasing stars.

I sigh and head to my locker to grab my text books for my next class. When I open my locker door a paper falls out. I unfold it to see a note.

Hey Kami, we noticed you've been avoiding us lately. We’re sorry if we did anything wrong but we really need to talk to you. Will you come to the football game tonight so we can all talk?

~Shoto Todoroki, Eijiro Kirishima, Katsuki Bakugou, and Izuku Midoriya

Why do they want to talk to me? I guess the only way to find out is to go to the game and see.


I watch the game from the beginning to end, nervously bouncing my leg up and down. My mind is constantly wandering to what Kirishima, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Midoriya want to talk to me about. Before I knew it the game was over and we won. I stand up and start clapping along with everyone else.

The principle was about to say the normal speech about how thankful we are for everyone that came to watch and sh*t when Kirishima grabs the mic out of his hand. The rest of The Four Stars huddled around Kirishima. “Denki Kaminari!” They yell, pointing at me, making everyone look at me. “Will you go to prom with all four of us!”

What? Did I hear them right? I look around to see everyone staring at me completely shocked. I guess I wasn't the only one that heard that. I look back at the four football players and I can see in their eyes that they weren’t joking. I smile and cup my hands around my mouth. “YES!!!”

Everyone watching either mumbled in disgust or started yelling in approval. All four boys start running up the bleachers making me try to back up a bit. Midoriya was the first one to reach me, tackling me into a hug. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” he kept on repeating in between each kiss.

Kirishima was the next one to reach us, tackling both of us causing us all to laugh like idiots.

“Get the f*ck off of him! It's my turn!” Bakugou roared. I squeezed out from between Midoriya and Kirishima and hugged the angry pomeranian. Of course that wasn't enough for him so he grabbed my chin and kissed me. It was rough but it was really nice.

“I'm starting to feel left out.” I hear from behind Bakugou. Poor Todoroki was standing all by himself. I let go of Bakugou and cling onto the dual colored jockey, kissing his chin.

I then realized how many people were watching us and I turned as red as Kirishima’s hair. I hide my face in Todoroki’s chest, him and others notice this and start chuckling. They each kiss my forehead before Bakugou says. “Be ready by 5:30 for Prom, we’re picking you up.”

I nod my head eagerly. I can’t wait until Prom.


I personally love Momo and Uraraka so please don't hate me. Like I said I will do a second part if you want. I love reading your comments and requests! Thank you for reading!!!

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