Mewwy Chwistmas

333 13 10

Nicknames(same as last time)
Kaminari: little pikachu, spark plug(B), lightning bug, little spark(T), sparky(BS), sunflower(S), little pika pika, little one, little pichu(S), kami (BST), pichu (B)
Shinsou: papa
Bakugou: dada
Todoroki: bubba

I wholeheartedly believe even big Denki Kaminari believes in santa. Fight me.

Also look at the hat I got for Christmas! It a ducky!⬆️⬆️



I wake up on top of Bubba with my head on his chest and Papa and Dada on either side. Last night we all watched movies and ate popcorn in Papa's room cause he has the biggest bed. Is's christmas break so everyone is gone 'cept us cause me and Bubba didn't want to go backs home. Dada's parents went on a trip that Dada didn' wanna go on. So Papa asked his papas if we could all stay at the dorms and have christmas.

Wait. Today's Christmas Eve!

I get up quickly and start jumping and shaking everyone. After a minute they start waking up. "Guys! Wake up! Is's Chwistmas Evea!"

"Ouch, Little Spark sweetie, don't bounce on me." Bubba groaned, holding me still. "That hurts okay?"

I looked down quickly, scared I made bubba mad. "'M sowwy. Didn' mean ta."

"That's okay little one. You were just excited."

"Yeah now go back to sleep." Dada grumbled as Papa hummed in agreement on the other side of me. They both turned away from me but I wouldn't let them off so easily. I put a hand on both of them and shake them, using my smallest and whiniest voice.

"But is's chwistmas Evea! We need ta gets evewyding weady for Santy Claus!"

All three of them groaned loudly before Dada and Papa sat up. Dada walked out mumbling something about coffee and breakfast while Papa got dressed and followed Dada. Then Bubba got up and carried me with him to my dresser.

"Let's get you into some actual clothes. What do you want to wear today?"

I look inside my drawers for a second and see my yellow sweater and black overall shorts. I point to them and my white Christmas socks. Bubba nodded his head silently before helping me get dressed. We go down stairs and see Papa drinking coffee with Dada making pancakes! I love pancakes! Me and Bubba sit down and Dada gives us our plates. My pancakes are green and look like little trees!

"Hey Kami?" Papa says my name as continues sipping his caffeinated drink.

I look up at him, my face still stuffed with pancakes. I finish chewing and swallowing my food so Dada doesn't get mad before talking. "Hmm, yes Papa?"

"We were thinking about making cookies and stuff and wrapping the rest of our class's stuff for now. We'll also help dada make dinner when it comes time, kay?"

I look up at Papa with sad puppy dog eyes. "Whatta 'bout Santy Claus?"

All three of the men's eyes soften at me. Dada sits down next to me with his plate. "Don't worry Sparky. After we eat Dinner we'll stay up and wait for Santa."


~~~~~le time skippy to after dinner~~~~~

"Hey Pichu, why don't you and Bubba go in your room a little early while we clean up." Dada says as he starts putting the leftovers away. Papa continues talking, helping Dada pick up.

"And then we'll join you when we're done, okay?"

I nod my head excitedly as I grab Bubba's hand and run to my room. "Come on Bubba! We can play candyland and read until Santy Claus gets here!"

"Okay, okay. Slow down little one."

~~~~~time skip again cause this needs to be short~~~~~

Me and Bubba were playing go fish when Dada and Papa walked in.

"Hey Sunflower, we just got done cleaning." Papa says as he sits down next to me.

I accidentally throw my cards and hug both of them. "Hi hi, Did Santy Claus come yet!" I look up at them with big eyes full of hope.

Ruffling my hair, Dada chuckles. "Not quite yet Pikachu. Why don't you watch out the window for him. See if you can catch a glimpse of him this year."

I nod my head with determination, bouncing off to the window. I hide behind the curtain and sit down on my knees patiently for Santa. After a few minutes I see a red light followed by a shadow of reindeers and sleigh. I turn around quickly to tell Papa, dada, and Bubba.

"Guys, guys! Huwwy, come see! Is's Santy!"

When they get to the window and I turn around Santy Claus is gone. My head drops down now that he has already left.

"Hey, cheer up Spark Plug. I'm sure he's already put your presents under the tree." Dada says as he ruffles my hair again.

Bubba is the next to speak to try and cheer me up. "I'll go check to see if the coast is clear."

Not even a minute later Bubba comes back in with a smile on his face. "Come on Little one Santa left you something."

The biggest ever spreads across my face as I jump up and run past Bubba and down to the common room. I see under the christmas tree is a bunch of presents. Squealing, I go through the boxes finding all the ones with my name on them.

My caregivers follow me with happy smiles and laughs, saying. "Merry Christmas Denki!"

This is the bestest Christmas ever!


Okay am I done. I don't care it's done. I forgot to do this before so I wrote everything from Denki getting dressed to the end at 10 at night on Christmas eve. OMG im glad I got this finished even if it's not the best.

Also this is how my family did christmas before they got divorced but it's okay. Now I open Christmas presents at my mom's eve night, go to sleep at my dads and wake up to presents. Anyway, I wanted to recreate my favorite Christmas memory. I actually did see the red light and shadow outside my window one year when I was eight and I live out in the middle of nowhere so they weren't someone's decorations and planes don't fly that close to the ground. My mom also agrees with me that if she hadn't told me Santa wasn't real I would still have a hundred percent believe because of that day.


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